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hi everyone y'all may know that I've been gone longer then 3 months but hey im here and im gonna update were we left off soon guys but I was gone longer because I was hurt, not like hurt or anything like that its just. one of my closest friend that I knew since he was a little...

he was killed... he was shot to death somewhere around Philly, were all the gangsters Rome threw the night, and well he was shot and it was on the news too... I found out because his mom called me and she was crying saying they killed him they killed him over and over again. it was so hard for me to take that in...

Like he was a good kid, he did football, soccer, and sports you could think of, he graduated, became a successful man in Dior. he became one of the coworkers of Dior his life was going well until he was killed.. yesterday I attending his family and friends at the place he loved to hangout at, we brought balloons and the one thing that hurt me the most was when his older brother started talking. he said 'listen, I know he wasn't my brother by blood but when he was brought in this family as he started growing up he was there for me no matter what, if I was mad or sad he was there, listen he is a good kid why could someone put bullets in him for no reason! whoever did this to him should be put behind bars for life. my little brother did nothing.. Nothing!' 

sometimes it hurts when finding out one of your closest childhood friend dies or a lover who dies but when it comes to family its 10x harder then losing a loved one or a friend..   

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