The elevator

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Korra's POV

Once the door into the elevator opened revealing no one inside, Asami and I walked in I stopped right in front of Asami and turned to click on the 1st floor, before I turned to stand next to her. I don't know why but I had an urge to kiss her..

"Fuck the paper work."I smashed our lips together and pushed her against the back wall of the elevator grabbing both her arms to lift them high above her head leaning closer to her body. As soon as I heard the elevator ding I backed away from the kiss and leaned against the wall beside her. When the door had opened we were greeted by four business mens in all black suits.

"As I was saying" said one of the men in the group while they walked inside

"What is it about elevators."I said making Asami chuckle

Skip to Asami's and opals house

Once Asami got the door open we were greeted by my brother on top of opal kissing her on the couch naked. Immediately when Asami saw him she turned to not look while he'd pull his pants up.

"Hey."He said

"Hey"Asami replied

"Hi, you must be Asami."he said scratching the back of his head walking towards me nervously with his hand out.

"You must be bolin."she said shaking his hand

"And we must be going bolin."I said still next to Asami

"So awesome to meet you,"he began

"Opal's told me a lot about you-"I cut him off

"Bolin, find your shoes some of us have work to attend to."I said as he put his button up on

"What you're doing with Ms Warmth here, I have no idea."he said turning around to kiss opal

"Laters, baby."he said before walking away towards us

"I'll see you tonight. Email me if something changes." I said

"My computers broken."she said

"Call then, I know you have my number."I said putting a strand of hair behind her ear

"Laters, baby."I said grinning at her before walking away..

Asami's POV seconds after korra left

"Bolin seems like a really nice guy."I chuckled

"Uh-uh, No, no where starting with you. If your seeing her again tonight, that means that something happened."opal grinned

"Asami."she said

"Mmm-hmm" i inhaled walking away from her

"Asami, you have to tell me what happened."she said speed walking after me grabbing me by the arm to make me face her

"I have to get ready for work."

"We just kissed"i explained

"Once."I stated

"Only once. That's odd."opal said a little disappointed

"Mmm"I grinned looking down

" 'odd' doesn't even cover it."i said walking away

"And a new jacket."I said



Ima leave it here because my phone is gonna die. And the only reason I did this on my phone was because half way of this chapter was on my computer but it died so I had to improvise.

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