Chapter 1

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Hunter's POV

Hunter yawned as he approached his locker at hexside. The teen hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and it showed. He was grabbing his books out of his locker when he heard a familiar voice next to him.

"Blondie! I need you to fake a relationship with me."

Hunter was taken aback by Edric's unexpected words. I'm too tired for this shit. He thinks before responding with a simple "what?"

"I have a good reason though!"

"Alright then, enlighten me, Blight." Hunter replied, his curiosity growing.

Edric took a deep breath. "So, I basically just need to get my parents off my back. My family, especially my mom, have been constantly nagging me about dating someone. They say all I ever focus on is pulling pranks and that having a partner would be a good distraction and growth opportunity, but there just isn't anyone I want to date at the moment. We're having a family dinner this Friday, so I was hoping you could come with me and pretend to be my boyfriend."

"Wow, that's a lot." Hunter chuckled. "I definitely see the problem though."

He took a moment to think. "Hmm, I think I'm free this Friday.." he mumbled. "But what's in it for me?"

Edric froze. "Uhhhhh-"

"You forgot about that part, didn't you?"

Edric sighed and looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I did." He paused, when suddenly an idea popped into his head. "Oh wait, I've got it!" He exclaimed.

Hunter curiously raised an eyebrow, waiting for Edric to continue.

"Luz told me you have a crush on that girl- Willow, was it?"

Hunter's face flushed red. "What? No!" He squeaked. "What makes you think-"

Edric cut the flustered boy off before he could finish speaking. "C'mon man, I've seen the way you look at her. Listen, let me make you a deal. If you fake date me and pretend to be my boyfriend around my parents, I'll help you get closer to Willow. She is my sister's friend, after all."

"Mm.. okay, fine." Hunter grumbled. "I'll do it."

"Great!" Edric exclaimed excitedly. "Now for the rules."

"There are rules?" Hunter asked unenthusiasically

"Yep. First rule, you have to act like you're in love with me in front of everyone. Teachers, parents, friends, whoever. We need to make this believable. I don't want anyone blowing this for me."

Hunter huffed. "Alright, I guess I can do that. Anything else?"

"Yes, there is one more rule..." Edric paused for dramatic effect. "You're not allowed to fall in love with me."

"Won't be a problem."

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