Chapter 2

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Hunter turned around to see Edric's twin sister Emira running towards him.

"Oh, hey Emira. What's-"

The green-haired girl cut Hunter off before he had the chance to finish speaking. "Is it true that you and Edric are dating? He told us about it last night, so I figured I'd come see whether or not what he says is actually true."

Hunter was confused for a moment before he remembered the deal he had made with Edric yesterday. "Oh uh, yep! Edric and I are together now."

"Really? I'm kinda surprised. To be honest I thought Edric had just made that up so mom would stop nagging him about dating someone." Emira confessed. "How did it happen?"

Edric's POV

Edric was talking to some of the other witches in his class when he saw Hunter talking to Emira out of the corner of his eye. What if he forgets and blows my cover?

"I'll be right back." Edric told his classmates before hurrying over to his sister and 'boyfriend.'

Edric quickly approached Hunter and Emira, but remained as calm and collected as possible to avoid raising suspicion.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

"Hey Ed!" Emira beamed, looking over at her brother as he came to stand with the two of them. "Hunter was just about to tell me the story of how you guys got together. Weren't you, Hunter?"

Hunter nodded and Edric breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Okay, the plan seems to be going well so far.

Hunter wasn't always the best at coming up with lies on the spot, so Edric figured he'd help him out. A mischievous grin crossed Edric's face as he thought of an idea.

"Did Hunter tell you about his confession his of undying love to me?"

"No!" Emira glanced over at Hunter and giggled before turning back to her brother. "Well, go ahead, elaborate."

Edric was holding back a laugh as he prepared to continue the made-up story. "Well you see, yesterday I was just minding my own business grabbing my stuff out of my locker when Hunter nerviously approached me. He told me about how he's secretly had a huge crush on me for a long time now and asked me if I would be his boyfriend. I was a bit caught off guard, but I said yes. I guess he just couldn't resist my charm." He said with a wink towards Hunter.

Hunter gritted his teeth. Damn you, Blight! "Yep, that's exactly how it went." He stated with a fake smile.

"Aww, that's so sweet! I hadn't imagined you had much of a soft side." Emira said to Hunter, a bit surprised as to how the two had gotten together. "It'll be nice to have you at our family dinner this Friday. Edric told us about it yesterday. Hopefully it goes well."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it!" Hunter lied. I do hope that it goes well though.

Emira's scroll rang as she received a call from one of her friends. "I gotta go guys. See ya later!" She said before taking off in the opposite direction.

Hunter and Edric waved goodbye to Emira. Hunter made sure no one else was close enough to overhear them. "What was that for?" He snapped. "You could've chose any cover story, and you decided to embarrass me?"

"Woah there, calm down. It was the first thing I thought of. Plus, it was kinda funny." Edric chuckled.

Hunter just glared back at him. "Whatever. This better be worth it."

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