Chapter 4

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Hunter flopped down on his bed, tired after a long day of school. He heard his scroll ringing and groaned. Can I not catch a break?

He picked up his scroll to see that Edric was the person who was calling him. He answered the call with a "what do you want?"

"I have good news, blondie. You're gonna get to hang out with Willow tomorrow."

Hunter sat up in his bed. "Really?"

"Yessir. I'm gonna be eating breakfast with Luz and her friend group tomorrow morning in the school cafeteria. Meet me there at 7:15."

"Will do." Hunter replied, trying to hide his excitement. "See you tomorrow." He said before hanging up.

Hunter spent about half an hour doing his homework before he decided to just go to bed. He almost fell asleep several times while working.

He did his nightly routine and went to sleep.

He woke up to his alarm ringing the next morning.

He drowsily turned off his alarm and sat up. He was actually excited about going to school for once, because his deal with Edric was finally starting to pay off.

Hunter got out of bed and got ready for school. After he had finished he grabbed his backpack and left.

Once Hunter arrived at school he eagerly went to the cafeteria. Edric waved to Hunter, signaling for him to come join them.

His 'boyfriend' approached him. "Just play along." He whispered in Hunter's ear.

"Wha-" he was cut off as Willow came over to him. "Hey Hunter! Edric told us about how you've been feeling down lately. Do you want a hug?"

Interesting approach for Edric to choose, but I'll take it. "Oh uh, sure."

"Okay!" Willow hugged Hunter tightly. "Hopefully this makes you feel a bit better."

Hunter's face went slightly red. "It does, thanks."

"No problem." Willow said with a smile and let go of Hunter. "Let's go eat together!"

Well played, Blight. Finally holding up your end of the deal.

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