Chapter 3

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Hunter was at home getting ready to go have dinner with Edric and his family members.

"Hmm, it needs to be presentable, but not overkill." He muttered to himself, trying to decide what he should wear for the evening.

As he dug through his closet, he eventually settled on a navy blue blazer with an undershirt and dark-colored dress pants.

After Hunter had finished putting on the outfit he had chosen for tonight's dinner, he went into the bathroom to fix his hair. He put water in it and slicked it back with a comb. Once he had put his shoes on and was finished getting ready, he checked the time.

7 pm. Edric should be here any minute.

Edric's POV

Edric was flying on his magic staff, on his way to pick up Hunter and bring him to his house for his family's dinner that night. He landed in front of Hunter's house and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal his blond 'boyfriend' ready to go.

"Aww, you got dressed up all nice for me? How sweet." Edric said with a flirty tone.

"Oh shut up, Blight. No one's around, you don't have to pretend."

"Eh, it's kinda fun to bug you though." Edric replied with a shrug. "Anyway, hop on." He got back on his staff and gestured for Hunter to sit behind him.

"Alright. But you better not wreck this thing."

"Trust me, I'm a pro at this. Even though it's teeechnically not legal for me to fly this thing yet since I don't have my liscence, it's fine."

Hunter's POV

"Oh titan." Hunter muttered. But still, he hopped on the staff behind Edric.

"Grab on. You don't wanna fall off."

Hunter felt a bit awkward doing so, but wrapped his arms around Edric's torso. Edric took off rather abruptly so he held onto him tightly, startled. He looked out to see the view below them. The sunset was a beautiful combination of orange, pink, yellow, and blue. The breeze was flowing through the two boys' hair and something about being there with Edric in that moment was.. comforting.

After about ten minutes of flying, they landed in front of the Blight Manor.

"See? We're still alive." Edric joked with a playful nudge towards Hunter.

"Pfft, barely." Hunter replied, slightly amused. He let go of Edric and stepped off of the staff the two had been flying on.

Hunter noticed that Edric was clearly nervous about this and worried about whether or not it would work. He hesitantly reached a hand out and touched his shoulder. "Hey, everything's gonna be fine." He tried to reassure him

Edric smiled at Hunter in return. "Ooh, Hunter has a soft side! You gotta admit, I'm growing on you. At least a little bit."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "In your dreams. My goal here is just to get closer to Willow, that's it."

Edric shrugged his shoulders and opened the door to his house once Hunter had finished speaking.

"Welcome, Hunter!" Edric's parents greeted him excitedly as he entered their house. "He seems like a nice boy." Odalia commented.

"Oh, he is." Edric agreed, wrapping his arm around Hunter. "Is dinner ready?"

Odalia nodded. "It is. Dinner's sitting on the table in the dining room."

"Great. Thanks mom." Edric thanked her and went over to the table. Everyone sat down and Hunter decided to get a bit more into his role and pulled out Edric's chair for him.

"Such a gentleman." Alador commented. Hunter simply responded with a smile.

"Thanks, darling." Edric said with a wink towards Hunter, sitting in his chair as Hunter pushed it in for him.

"Of course." Hunter sat down in the chair next to Edric, admiring the food that his family had prepared.

"This looks great." He stated genuinely.

"Dig in." The blights told him. As everyone started eating their food, Odalia looked up from hers to face Hunter.

"So Hunter, how long have you two known each other?"

"Oh uh-" She can't know that we have only really saw each other in the halls before and talked a few times. This needs to be believable.

"We've known each other for about a year now." At least that part is true. "We have a few classes together and hang out at lunch all the time."

It's payback time. Hunter decided.

"As Edric already told Emira, I had a crush on him for quite a while before I decided to ask him out. But did he tell you about his confession?"

"No! Of course you didn't tell me." Emira said with a scoff towards her twin brother.

A grin crossed Hunter's face. "Well after I confessed my crush on Edric to him, he told me that he's actually been into me since the moment he laid eyes on me. He always wanted to get closer to me but was too nervous. Not to mention, one time I caught him gazing into my eyes for a solid 30 seconds before I asked if he needed anything."

Amity and Emira burst out laughing. "Oh, you are so getting made fun of this for the next year!" Alador and Odalia seemed amused as well and quietly chuckled.

After about an hour, everyone had finished their food and cleaned up, so it was time for Hunter to go home. They had all had a nice chat and meal and had gotten to know each other a bit more.

"Bye, Hunter! It was nice to meet you. I'm glad Edric finally has something to keep him occupied other than goofing off."

Edric rolled his eyes and opened the door for Hunter. "I'm gonna go drop him off. I'll be back soon."

Once they were outside and the door was closed, Edric lightly punched Hunter. "You asshole! What was that back there?" He spat, even though he wasn't seriously angry, more just embarrassed.

Hunter laughed a bit. "Payback. You had it coming."

Edric opened his mouth to say something but paused. "Yknow what, you're right. It was pretty funny. Classic Edric Blight move."

"Ah, whatever. Let's go."

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