Chapter 5

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Edric saw Hunter about to walk into the school building. "Hunter!"

Hunter stopped walking and turned around as he heard a familiar voice calling for him from behind. "Oh, hey Edric. What's up?"

Edric ran up to Hunter, slightly out of breath. "Gus just texted me asking if we want to go on a double date with him and Mattholomule."

"Him and Matt got together?" Hunter was somewhat surprised, but not really. "Good for them."

Edric nodded. "So, what do you say?" He made sure no one was within range to hear before whispering "It'll make this more believable."

"Hmm" Hunter hesitated. "Alright, sure. I've been wanting to hang out with Gus again anyway."

"Great! I'll let them know we're coming. It's this afternoon at 3 pm over at the restaurant down the road, so we can just walk there after school."

Hunter nodded. "Sounds good. I'll meet you by the stairs after school ends."

The day passed by fairly quickly and before Hunter and Edric knew the last bell had rang and it was time for their double-date with Gus and Mattholomule.

Edric had been waiting for Hunter for a minute or so when he saw him walk out of the building and down the stairs to where the two had said they would meet after school.

"You ready to go?"

"Shouldn't we wait for them so we can all walk there together?" Hunter asked.

"No, we're supposed to be meeting them there. Since Mattholomule goes to a different school he's getting dropped off and Gus is already on his way."

"Oh, okay." Hunter replied with a shrug. Him and Edric began walking to the restaurant they were supposed to be meeting at, side by side.

"Thanks for helping me out with this by the way. My parents have actually eased off of me a bit since last Friday. I know you're not doing this for free, but still."

Hunter was a bit surprised at Edric's sudden thanks. "Oh. Yeah, it's no problem." He mumbled.

After about ten minutes of walking, the two eventually arrived at the restaurant. Gus and Matt had just gotten there and were waiting for them outside the entrance to the building.

"Hey guys!" Gus called out. Hunter and Edric greeted both Gus and Matt. After the exchange, all four boys went inside.

After a few minutes of waiting, they were all seated and handed menus. After looking the menus over, the waiter took their orders and left. It was quite a nice venue. There was music playing, lights strung all around that weren't too bright or dark, and it was the perfect temperature inside.

"It's nice to see you guys again." Hunter had actually grown quite fond of Gus throughout the time they'd known each other, and was being honest in his comment.

"Yeah, it's nice that we all get to do this." Gus agreed.

"So, how did you two end up together?" Edric asked. "Although I can't exactly say I'm surprised, you two seemed at each other's throats a while ago."

"Pfft, I could say the same for you guys." Matt butted in. "Y'know, I'm not really sure. Gus and I kinda had a bonding moment when we were leaving the illusionist ruins and just started growing closer from there."

Gus nodded his head in agreement. "Although I wouldn't be too surprised if you liked me all along and were just trying to get my attention." He stated half-jokingly with a playful nudge at his boyfriend.

"Oh, shut up!" Matt chuckled a bit. "If I'm being honest though, you're not entirely wrong."

The boys' double-date continued for another hour and a half. They talked and laughed and shared stories with each other. All four had gotten the opportunity to catch up with each other and enjoy their meals.

Hunter stood up to leave, conent. Although he would never admit it to Edric, he had a surprisingly good time.

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