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pov. sycamore

Shortly after the wave of attackers had been slain and the all clear was given, I knew what would be coming, as did my colleagues. In the following hour, the dead bodies of infected Pokémon or phials with their blood were brought to the lab, as instructed by us years ago. It was necessary for further testing.

Ever since starting my work here, there has barely been any time to slack off during a shift. There's always work to do, be it analysing blood, studying the behaviour of the virus after coming in contact with fresh blood, or finding a way to rid the infected Pokémon's DNA.

After a huge wave of attackers such as this-, the work is always overwhelming the following few hours. Attacks aren't uncommon, though usually not on this scale.

I leave Alain to accept and label the blood phials, as do other teens who had volunteered to help out. The older, such as I, help with the dead bodies. There's no need for the youth to be unnecessarily scarred. They've already been through enough.

It isn't our job to burn the corpses, we simply extract the blood. And since the crematorium isn't far away from the lab, we are glad to help out our warriors. It has shown to be immensely important to get rid of the bodies. Pokémon, not infected, who ate the carcass of the dead, had shown to become infested with the virus too.

Amidst the busy traffic inside our usual quiet lab, I halt for a moment and observe the situation.

Stacks upon stacks of blood vials are put into our test tube holders, all marked with black felt tip. Some scientists use syringes to get the remaining blood out of a Primeape and Poliwhirl. Seeing the dead bodies of Pokémon never ceased to make a cold shiver to run down my spine.

That's why I never wanted Mairin to join our effort, despite her pleadings. She's better kept at school, where she can learn instead of witnessing this.

That's when I finally notice the special someone who enters through the wide opened double doors. Immediately, the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand. Cyrus and y/n saunter casually into the lab, used to this path. Feathers stick out in every direction on the body on the woman's shoulders, a Pidgeotto, I deduce.

Wasting no time, I cross the room to greet them.

"Hey!" I call out. Y/n leaves the body to fall to the marble floor with a thump, however, has no time to greet back. I grab her by her shoulders the moment I'm close enough, catching her off guard. I shake her thoroughly.

"Are you alright?"

She sends me a bewildered look.

"Yeah I am?" She proceeds to look down on herself, checking for bruises or other wounds. "Something wrong with me?"

"Definitely," I can't help but scoff, earning a glare from her side.

We had been watching the fight in the sky on the edge of our seats, as it is the only fight we could see from our position behind the walls. We all stared up with wide eyes. She had maneuvered her Pokémon like a young goddess. Falling from the sky as if she were a descending angel. She appears to be in control at all times, no matter what situation she's thrown into. But I know her well. And I know she's good at faking faces.

"You make it too easy." I grin.

"If that's all you got to say, could you do me a favour and hurry? School ends in an hour."

I smile at her. "I know. I've got to pick up Mairin too."

"Then better hurry for the sake of both our foster kids, professor." Confident as always, y/n proceeds to give my cheek two gentle claps, before drawing away and turning her back towards me.

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