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pov. y/n

"Alright. Everyone ready?"

Born ready.

I look over to Lance. I almost can't make him out between the other countless heads. All of us,- the entirety of the warrior unit, stand in a half circle infront of the big, rusty gates that have yet to be opened. We wear light sports clothes, our leather protections, gloves and the harness, which holds nothing but one Pokéball and a small hand knife.

Most are ready for our jog. Few lack motivation. And some are nervous, for it's their first run.

We are split into four uneven groups. Hard-running men and women at the very front, and then gradually decreasing in endurance the further back you go. One of the top runners, this week being Lance, accompanies the last group in case of emergency.

After years of doing this job, after years of fighting and battling, although we're not the youngest anymore, it's still us who hold the first spots. Lance, Cyrus, Steven and I. No one comes close to our endurance. To our agility. Not even Red and Blue,- though Blue had once come dangerously close to me on the way back from our weekly runs. He always falls back way too much during the ascend back up the mountain.

He's got the potential, like most in group BRAVO do, but they have yet to reach us.

Accordingly, it's us who have to keep an eye out for the one's who still need training. We switch who has to watch over the last group each week. This week it's Lance's turn, last one it was Cyrus. It'll be me next. There are some weeks where there is no last group. Where everyone is slowly starting grow into one group, their skills levelling with oneanothers. Though now, with the new recruits and new trainers arriving and making the trials, we have people who have yet to grow endurance.

"Radio contact?"

Each group leader lifts their pager. In our case it's Cyrus. There's few I'd trust with my life, and he's most definitely one of those.

"In case of emergency, send a four liner," Lance says, repeating the same old advice he gives us every week. Parkour and physical fitness is immensely important, so we tend to do these workouts twice or three times a week. Otherwise, you're responsible for your own fitness level.

"Alright. See you all in two hours top. Be careful out there."

Loud creaking. On cue, the rusty gates open slowly before our feet. It's me and the two boys in the front, eagerly awaiting to finally take off. Blue is behind me, glowering silently at the back of my head. I feel his hard eyes poking me and can't help but smirk.

Excitement makes my heart race. Right now, I remind myself very much of my Noivern, who is always ecstatic to go flying after a long period of not being able to do so. I haven't run in days. It's time to get those old bones working.

The gates mechanism clicks shut. The gates halt,- and that's our sign to start. Immediately, my feet begin working, starting the first steps beyond the wall. A draft of fresh morning air hits me as we pass beneath the walls, whirling around the fine baby hairs on my hairline. My heart beats strongly. Steven is besides me. So is Cyrus.

We run the usual route down the steep hill, careful to not slip on the broken, cracked open street. Old lanterns that have long lost their ability to glow align the path. Fallen leaves create slippery puddles, threatening to pull anyone to the ground who's not careful enough to dodge them. Soon enough, instead of going left and direction Viola City, we rush right, following an overgrown trail into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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