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pov. colress

My whole life I had clung to the only thing I ever knew, science. When no one cares about you, you experience the world without help. Find the things that truly make you. When I had nothing, I had myself. And with my interest in nature and the world around me, came my passion for biology and technology.

Being left with nothing to care but science, it soon became my top priority. I worked day and night on studies that captivated me like nothing else ever had. I had found recognition of others through my passion, but their words were shallow to someone who never got to understand the true meaning of fellowship.

The fruits of my hard work are planted in this very laboratory. I only arrived here half a year ago, though my knowledge had already spread far underneath the word hungry folk. Sycamore in particular has shown an enormous amount of desire for my line of work. He's listened to hours of my rants, takes notes whenever he can and is willing to help me no matter the time of day.

Still, I'm not sure if the desire for science is what really drives him. This city,- it holds a tale everyone is afraid talking of. People are so much more reserved than the last city I had held up in. Their sorrow breaks through their faces at points, so much, it runs down their cheeks and chins.

I might just be glad I never had anything to care about but my work. Because it meant I could never lose as important as they had.

Had humanity deserved what happened to us all? Probably. The world was doomed from the very start. The wrong doings of mankind will never come to an end. The addiction to power and knowledge can and will corrupt anyone.

I had seen it in myself.

I'm busy at my desk, when a face comes into view, the same from yesterday. She never learns. Sycamore only begins his day shifts at half past twelve. She's always too early, eager to get on my nerves. I can't await the day Dawn would be back in her spot, so I won't have to listen to her poor insults anymore.

The woman with the name y/n. I know nothing of her, though she holds that same torn face most people do. Her skin is littered with bruises and scars of all sizes, most prominently the one on her temple.

Watching the spectacles that are her sky fights, it's no surprise she's as beaten as she is. She's strong. But bravery and foolishness wear the same pair of shoes.

"Hey," she greets, calm as usual.

She places the parcel on Sycamores desk, though I don't care enough to take notice of much more than that. Returning my gaze to the paper, I continue to scribble down everything I've learned about the newest plant mutation thus far.

Concerningly enough, I had managed to see it had grown slightly bigger in size since the last time. If it continued this way, I would have to burn it before it got out of control. As much of a shame as it would be...

Annoyingly so, I hear y/n dig through her bag in loud manner. I try ignoring it and actually succeed, are more than surprised however when something is smacked on my table ungently.


I eye the handful of apples on my desk, then her. My eyes squint a little.

Is she trying to bribe me? Poison me, maybe?

After a moment of silence passes, I utter, "An uncannily nice gift from a stranger."

Her eyes roll. I'm not sure why her way of doing so makes me upset the way it does.

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