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[ colress 1/2 ]


pov. y/n

It's a mild day in Ecruteak city. The sun shines, the people are happy. As happy as one can be in these circumstances, at least.

Touya is in school. Hopefully learning so he can make something out of himself once the world's returned to the old days. Or at least to some extent.

I'm not sure if it will ever be how it once was. But one can hope, right?

As long as I can still do so, I know I have to keep that hope. Not just for my own sake, but for theirs as well.

I lay on the couch of our service room, busy with a scheduled and very important power nap. I have no idea where the other guys are right now, if they're doing important stuff or simply hiding from responsibility again.

I can only imagine Steven doing that though.

The beeping on my pager alerts me. I stare downwards in surprise, though without urgency. It's a slow tune. I stand up slowly, harness and equipment still on and as such I'm ready to go. I read what's displayed and halt in my tracks once I see the location I'm sent to.

Blinking, I make my way to the door, and step out into the entrance hall.

He already stands here, the dispatcher inside the glass cubical in front of him smiling my direction.

I raise a brow. What's he doing here?

The blonde man turns my direction as the door opens, staring down at me in silent surprise. His blue strand wobbles up and down.

"Colress," I say flatly.

"Y/n," he answers without missing a beat.

A wave of silence follows.

"You're my beep?"

His face contorts in confusion. "I uh... guess?"

"What's the matter?"

"I want to go beyond the walls to study the area. However, without the right status I'm not allowed to head out on my own."

"Study?" I frown. "Lab rats never go outside. Usually what they study comes inside."

"You said it yourself," he says angrily, then repeats in the same mad voice, "Usually."

"... well, we've already established that you're not normal, didn't we?"

"Excuse me?" He utters.

"Excuse yourself. Follow me."

"You're ordering me around?" He asks, just the tiniest bit mad. I smirk.

"Out there it won't be any different. I'm responsible for you. So you either listen-- or I'll decline your request right away."

I walk past him, my shoulder bumping into him as I do so. He staggers a little the direction I push him into. Despite being taller than me, he's much more lean and accordingly unstable on his feet. It's a miracle the wind doesn't blow him over every two seconds.

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