Chapter 7

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The smell of ash filled my nose as we got a full view of the Southern Kingdom. The stone tainted in dark greys. Whatever plants that had managed to grow were now torched.

My chest tightened at the sight, the memories of it in better shape begged for this to be false, but it wasn't. This was the truth...

I hadn't noticed I stopped until I felt a hand pinch the fabric of my sleeve. My stomach turned as I prepared myself to face his teary eyes.

Slowly, I glanced Elliot's direction to see his face pointed down, his bangs covering most of his face. Though, his gritted sharp teeth were left exposed as tears ran down his pale skin.

My heart ached, it hurt to only be able to imagine how he feels.

I gripped his shaking hand in mine in an attempt to comfort him, his head turning slightly to the side as he tried to hold back sobs.

After a few moments, he pulled his hand out of mine gently, bringing it up to his face and wiping his tear stained face.

"Are you ok, or do you need more time?" I asked in a low tone.

He laughed a little, a sad tone behind it. "Yeah, we have somewhere to be anyways." He said with a smile.

I nodded, a smile making its way on my face. "Let's get this over with then. Let me know if we need to stop."

"Of course." He said before carrying on the path.

I followed after. Making sure the mule did as well.

Along the way, I would notice small things.

Elliot fidget with an engagement ring. Aulak shifting in their sleep. Krib gripping onto them every time it happened. The growing anxious feeling as we approached trees from the Northern Kingdom.

When we approached the gates, I turned to Elliot and we exchanged nods before entering the grounds to be stopped by guards.

"Name and occupation?" A masculine voice asked, glancing at the two who slept in the cart.

"I'm Dr. Elliot Timberman. A literature expert." Elliot said, giving the guard a stern look.

"I'm [Y/N], leader of the Eastern Kingdom. The two in the cart are nomads." I said, gesturing to the two.

He nodded with a hum. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." He said with a slight bow. "What are you doing with these two?"

I looked to the two he gestured to who lied asleep in the cart.

"They were showing me the way to the Northern Kingdom. They will also be showing me the way back." I said, though not quite sure myself.

He nodded, "Well, enjoy your stay, your highness." With that, he moved to the side, allowing us to pass.

So far, the place seemed to be calm. Free of Projectors. I guess this Kingdom has a good grip on defence.

It was also decorated in golds, reds and oranges. The temperature warm and banners blowing gently in the wind. The kingdom itself was surrounded by tall mountains.

We made our way to the castle, the cart rattling a bit as it went over uneven bricks that made the path.

I heard a groan from the cart behind me, causing me to glance back only to turn back to the path.

"How long was I out?" Aulak asked, sitting up slightly with the boy laying on their chest still.

"Eh..." I started. "About 3 hours, give or take."

They hummed. "Makes sense. Did the guards give you trouble?"

I shook my head. "Not really. They say you're a criminal." I lied.

They paused. "What do you mean?"

"Wait..." I turned to Aulak. "You're not actually a criminal, are you?"

Their eyes widened before they turned away, bringing a hand to their neck. "Well, not exactly. I'm not good nor bad."

"So you are a criminal?" I asked with a small smile.

They made an exaggerated sigh. "Its hard to explain! Give me a break."

I laughed. "I'm just messing with you. What you do for a living isn't my business."

They stayed quiet all the way until we got to the gates.

We stopped and were escorted my guards to the stables to hold our horses and mule. After everyone was set and awake, we made our way inside.

Our heels tapping the linoleum that made up the floor as we made our way down the hall.

I opened the heavy doors to the throne room to be met with a pairs of familiar eyes. Ones I haven't seen in a while.

Hazey purple.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Knowing The Unknown [Y/N x fantasy world?]Where stories live. Discover now