Chapter 4 - Conflict

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Katie have put herself forward to accompany Cordelia to her physical therapy session. The pros of this arrangement is that they get to go to the hospital in Katie's car, which has been repaired by Andrews father. They apparently have come to an agreement to do so quietly. In doing so Katie would get her car fixed and Andrew's father will not suffer the unreasonable demands of her family. It's a win-win situation for everyone.

The cons of it is Katie is not always a ray of sunshine.

"Why should we have to go to them? They are providing the service. They should be coming to use." Katie said as she stopped at another traffic light for the fourth time today. As if to further fan the flames of Katie's distaste, the journey to the hospital was anything but smooth. Which makes the forty-five minute journey felt like hours. "I mean we paid a lot of money for it."

"I don't know if you've noticed but it's not exactly easy to lug around the equipment." Cordelia said as she stroke Katie's arm rigorously in an effort to calm her down. "Plus it's much safer to do it there than at home. It's a hospital. You usually associate it with health and safety."

"I feel like we shouldn't have to trouble ourselves with travelling. We did pay a lot of money.'

"First of all we paid nothing. Avina's insurance will cover the bill and plus you won't even need to pay even if it doesn't." Cordelia said, amused at the sight of her friend exasperated for a problem that had nothing to do with her. "Secondly I am the one that has to do it. You can wait at the café or even go shopping. You don't have to be there with me."

"I know that but as your friend I have to make sure that you're getting the best treatment. My parents have taught me ways to acquire the services and needs that match what we paid for.'

"Lessons that can be put off for another day. How 'bout this? I'll get through the first day and if I feel we need more, I'll come straight to you."

Katie huff in exasperation but otherwise did not comment further. The traffic light turned green and Cordelia realize in horror that the conversation took less than a minute. She estimated that it would be another twenty minutes before they reach the hospital and dread what other topics of conversation that Katie would engage in.

"On that note I think my tailor is scamming me."


Having been able to vent her frustration with the economical systems of the rich and famous made Katie a bit more relaxed and tolerable by the time they reach the hospital. A nurse came out to meet them as Cordelia got out the car. Katie was already at her door having got out earlier to get her crutches from the backseat.

"Call me when you're finished okay?" She said as she handed Cordelia her crutches. "I would most probably be at the mall so if there is anything you need from there let me know."

"I'll tell you if anything comes up." Cordelia smiles and gave Katie a small hug. Katie waited until Cordelia passed the glass doors before driving off. The nurse guiding Cordelia was a cheerful woman who insisted that Cordelia called her Marian.

"I'll be assisting in your therapy alongside Dr. Porter, who is mostly in charge of your schedule. The doctor wishes to speak with you today to assess the level of your therapy."

They walked over to the lift and the nurse press the arrow pointing up. As they waited Cordelia asks, "What kind of person is she?"


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