Chapter 5 - Lifestyles

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Friday came in no time at all and Cordelia wonders if she had made the right choice. The longer she wait the more doubt crept into her mind. However because she spent a long time thinking and not exactly acting, she found herself standing at the entrance of the hospital, out of time.

Andrew walked up to her and said, "You want me to follow you? In case you need some muscle?"

"Andrew we both know that I have more muscle than you. Beside I'll be fine. You promised to spent time with your family and I'm grateful you would give me a last minute ride."

"Well, Avina seemed really distraught. She actually forgot that she had to chaperone some school trip. Did she opt to just drive there?"

Cordelia laughs and said, "She did. She was supposed to join them in the bus but she forgot and since they took off without her she had to drive. Must be hell considering she really hates driving."

Nurse Marian walked over to them and said, "Are you ready Miss Welss?"

"Cordelia, please. If we're going to work together I feel like we should lose the formality, Marian."

Marina smiles and nodded . Cordelia turned to Andrew and said, "I'm fine here. You go enjoy your day. Say hi to your parents for me."

Andrew nodded and said, "No problem. Since I volunteered for this I got exemption from school today so it's a win-win."

Cordelia laugh and waved him goodbye as he got in the truck and drove off. She turned back to Marina and followed her to the hospital gym. She could see several equipments have been set up - standard gym equipment and some other stuff she haven't seen before - and Dr. Henry standing by what seem to be a set of horizontal parallel bars.

He saw them enter and started walking towards but decided otherwise and waited for them to reach him. He smiled and said "Sorry for not meeting you at the door. The fact that you are able to approach me is good progress in my opinion."

Cordelia could feel her stomach tightening but she shakes it off. Mental as well as physical Cordelia ran those words through her mind. "Thank you that actually helped a bit." Dr. Henry smiled again as he wrote on his clipboard, "Well I am a therapeutic person so it's a given."

He smiles at her slyly and Cordelia couldn't help but feel like maybe this well mannered doctor.......might actually be kind of a brat. "You're kind of young to actually be a doctor of anything aren't you?" Cordelia said and instantly regret it. She didn't mean to sound rude even ifit was exactly what she was thinking off.

Dr. Henry chuckled and said, "I get that a lot. Well fortunately my parents believe that skipping grades is a sign of a genius and so I was drilled like crazy to an inhuman amount. Luckily I actually am interested in the medical business and just went along with them. The result? Me standing here in front of you."

"Now I think we have delayed your therapy enough. So how about we get started then?"

That sly smile again.

Cordelia isn't sure whether she would absolutely get along with Dr. Henry..

....or absolutely hate his guts.


Dr. Henry said that her upper body shows no sign of deterioration so they would mostly be focusing on her legs. Marina escorted Cordelia over to the horizontal bars and told her to hold on to the bars with each hand.

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