Chapter 5

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Hey guys, so you got my request. c; I was so happy I got that many votes i a couple of days, like I legit cried. It means a lot Cx. So I thank everyone whose voted and commented and fanned. There is no words to express, and I'm obviously going to continue Complex. I've also had a bad day and the comments I've saw made me smile for the first time all day. I also thought of the suggestion of dragon and werewolf for another story in one of the comments. So I actually made a dragonxwerewolf x3. Maybe have a little..boyxboy harem in it..;D. IJCWDNFCIL I'm also going to try and come up with a little fan symbol cx. ALSO I have no idea what I'm going to write about, so I'm just going to wing it. I haven't updated in forever and I just got my keyboard fixed And of course! Kimhaced your comments encouraged me today to make this chapter, so thanks!


Also it WILL be shorter because I have to be rewrite it since something happend to what I wrote ; -;..



I woke up and felt around the bed noticing Daven wasn't there, it was a school day. I should've felt sad, but I felt relieved knowing I wouldn't feel a burning as much. I did my morning routine of getting a shower, getting dressed, etc.

Today felt sweet and plain, one of those days where the sun shines in your house and you can't help but think of good memories in the house you've been in your whole life. Saying this makes me sounds boring doesn't it? Maybe this mate thing has matured me. Damn! now I sound more mature. Oh well, I felt good besides the little burning tingle that ran up my spine once in a while.

"Sweetie, are you up? I'm making breakfast." I heard my moms faint voice say. I smiled slightly and walked into the kitchen. She was flipping pancakes and eggs, while watching bacon pop grease everywhere.

I grabbed some barbeque chips and turned towards my mother. "I think, I'm going to take a run in the woods.." She glanced at me than towards my father in the living room.

She was hesitent. "Be carefull, look everywhere. Don't stop to look at anything, only for water. If you feel your body heating turn around and come straight back. If you can't make it, mind link.." I nodded my head. She was too protective.

I walked out of the house and ran behind a tree. I was happy there was woods right behind our house. That means I wouldn't have to walk 20 miles to the woods. I took my clothes off and shifted into my werewolf with a few cracks and ripples. I gripped the chips and my clothes in my muzzle and started with a small trot, till I started running. I ran and ran looking at every tree I passed by. I saw a few bugs and flowers here and there while I was looking. I also saw a couple of deers and several rabbits.

I stopped to get a drink and was getting a little hungry, and I was a little tired from gripping clothes and chips in my mouth. I dropped the chips from my muzzle and shifted back into human form. I put my clothes on and sat by the water. I cupped water into my hand and drank it. I opened the bag of chips and took a couple, munching them.

I heard a noise from a bush and looked at it suddenly worried. The bush ruffled around and a rabbit hopped out of the tree. Relief flooded over me. I went back to eating chips and taking occasional sips from the water. I heard another sound and I ignored it. It came again and that's when I got up. "Hello!? Who ever you are, stop making noise! I'm trying to bang some chips." I sat down and the noised stopped. I sighed with relief and took another sip of water. I calmed down and thought of Daven. I wish Daven was with me sipping from this soft lake and banging chips together. I smiled at the thought. I felt myself get hot, so I tried taking my mind of him. Must I remind you, is very hard. How is Daven sexy lips, and sexily sculpted body forgetable. Yeah, it's not. What i'd give right now to kiss him, and hug him, and kiss him all over. Oh. My. God. I'm being a creep now, but we all have ti admit he's sexy and irresistable..DANNY STOP, you're going to hurt yourself if you go into heat. I splashed my burning face with cold water trying to calm myself. Of course it didn't nothing can help a coming heat. I flailed my arms and bit my lip. I grabbed my chips and started to go home, because of the heat that felt like it was coming.

Before I knew it I was being tied by my wrists and getting my mouth covered and threwn over something. I squirmed around and thrashed my legs. I was getting scared and my natural instinct was mind link. "Daven!? Mom!? Dad!?" No response. "Daven!!!!?" finally I got something.

"Yeah, whats up?" I almost had an eargasm at Davens voice

"I've been teenapped!" I tried to make the situation positive even though I was scared for life

"Stop joking with me Danny." I clenched my teeth when he said my name.

"I'm not. I'm being serious. I was by the lake, and I started feeling like I was going into heat thinking about you, so I started leaving but these people grabbed me and tied me up and flung me into something. I'm scared so come save me before I die and get raped." I yelled at him

"I'm coming! I'll get back up! So the last place you were was at the lake, right?"


"Alright! Danny. I love you."

I smiled through the tape. "I love you too."

Someone put something over my nose and I passed out.



I went into my 4th class and sat down by my friends. I laughed along with what one of them said, but didn't know what he had said at all. I sat there listening to people talk about girls and girls they've had sex with. Alchol, and party's. Everything I used to be. Which one day, when they find their mates, they'll quit doing. I wonder what Danny's doing.  I hope he's fine. Knowing him he's probably strolling around the house eating chips. I smiled at the thought.

The teacher walked in and sat his papers down. "We'll be working on an art project for Science." I sighed and ignored everything else he said.

"Daven!!!?" I heard Dannys voice say in desperations.I got a littlw worried

"Yeah, what's up?"

"I've been teenapped." I furrowed my eyebrows. He needs to stop making up werid things.

"I'm not. I'm being serious. I was by the lake, and I started feeling like I was going into heat thinking about you, so I started leaving but these people grabbed me and tied me up and flung me into something. I'm scared so come save me before I die and get raped."

"I'm coming! I'll get back up! So the last place you were was at the lake, right?"

"Yeah." I stood up and ran out of the class room witht the teacher yelling after me. I ran and ran till I got to the pack house.

"Alright! Danny. I love you."

"I love you too."

I ran inside and found the elders. "Dannys been stolen. Someone took Danny. Danny mindlinked me and told me someone had tooken him. We have to find him and get him !"

"Calm down Daven." One of the elders said shakily.

"How can I calm down? Someone just stole my mate who was going into heat." I looked at them stupidly

They sighed. "We knew this would happen. We should've watche him more carefully."


"You're the future alpha, of course your mate is going to be triggered.." I threw my hands up in the air.

"We need to get him !" The elders looked at each other and whispered

"We'll send the pack to search for him. Where did he tell you he last was?"

"At the lake."

"Okay we'll search around there." I ran out and started searching for him myself.

I can't believe this has happened to my little Danny.


It's about time I updated. It's been like 8 months. For that, I'm sincerely sorry. I've had no time for wattpad, I've been planning a wedding with my mom, and moving constantly, as well as school. ANYWAY I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH~






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