4. Strangers with Memories

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At the Ayodhya Palace

Prince Shatrughan's Chamber

Rajkumār Shatrughan was getting for his daily duties like a robot. The days were going by for him as for everyone in the palace. On top of that, his preconceived ideological differences with his Ram Bhaiyya (A/N: I know this line sounds scandalous but let me explain, Shatrughan thinks that Sita shouldn't have been banished into the forest and the judgment that was posed that day was absolutely beyond arbitrary and was a direct personal attack on a woman's dignity. Since Rām had to pass that judgment, reason will be revealed later, Shatrughan thinks that Rām did it because, for Rām, people's opinion was above all, as the citizens had opposed her stay in Ayodhya and he had heard the rumors roaming about with Rām. In reality, that's not the case. Hence the line. A clearer explanation will be available on PM provided the person asking doesn't reveal any information regarding our conversation as I will discuss the entire course of this book which I have planned to write and I don't want to disclose it to my readers without writing.) only added to his mental struggles.

His duties were the only thing giving him peace. Not because he was getting the required taxes, but because he could meet the people that society had wronged. It gave him a bit of a false positive. A kind of faux-pas that his "mistakes" are forgiven which is why his bhabhi turned mother chose to keep in contact with him.

 A kind of faux-pas that his "mistakes" are forgiven which is why his bhabhi turned mother chose to keep in contact with him

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Tanvi Madhyan as Rajkumari Shrutkirti

He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder while thinking of the same thoughts on his "mistakes" plaguing his head. He turned around and saw his wife, Rajkumari Shrutkriti, all dressed up. He was surprised as Shrutkriti rarely came with him on this ride around the kingdom as she couldn't stand seeing the faces of the people who wronged her sister.

Shrutkirti however, was quick to read his mind. She said, "Swami, I know you are surprised to see me ready to go with you but I want to see how my husband deals with all this happening around him. How he still manages to not break down in front of everybody and hide his emotions even from his family. Maybe if I know what he is hanging onto I might be of some help?" (A/N: Here Shrutkirti just wants to know what keeps Shatrughan going to the same place (the city) where protests have been happening against him as well as Sitā for years by now. Due to certain visits of his, he has also started to come home later than anticipated which is worrying her as well. She is just trying to mask her worries to not worry him. Sorry for the confusing language but that is the simplest way I found to explain it.)

Shatrughan sighed as he knew this topic would come up some day or the other, he said "Let's go then Shruti. You would have to see this place one day. I should show it to you at its happiest rather than when you would have to see it on your own, torn in pieces. Please don't say anything about this to your sisters. They will be broken completely. I will tell you to tell them when it's the right time."

With that conversation, both of them left to carry out their duties. This time with some reassurance that whatever troubles come forth, they will always face them together.

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