Chapter 1:

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Ring ring
I sigh, standing up on cue upon hearing the lunchtime bell. Looking around, I catch sight of my friend, Chiyo. She makes her way across to me.

"Hey, Monika! You wanna hang out with me and Aoi today?"

I smile and nod at her.

"Of course, but I'm afraid I can't do all of lunchtime today,"

Her face falls slightly.

"Why's that?"

"Well... you know Sayori?"

She nods.

"Yeah- isn't she, like, that coral-headed girl in my chemistry class? Y'know, the one who's so clumsy that she apparently set her kitchen on fire once? Lucky for us, no accidents happened around the bunsens!"

She chuckles at her joke and I laugh nervously along with her.

"Yeah, she that one. Anyway, you remember how I quit the debate club?"

Chiyo nods.

"Well, her and I met recently and we kind of banded together to make a club, and today we're working on some flyers in the library"

Chiyo raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? What kind of club?"

She asks, with a small smile, obviously hoping to join.

"You'll see, now c'mon, let's get to lunch,"

I purposefully divert the conversation from the embarrassing topic of my literature club, as I knew that none of my friends would be interested.

Shortly after, we arrive at the lunch hall, which is bustling with people as usual. I catch sight of my friends: Ayumi, Chika, Sora, Emiko, Hikari, Kimi and Aoi; all part of the popular girl clique thank you very much.

"Hey! Moni! Good to see ya!"

I am greeted by Sora, who then proceeds to slap my back.

"Hey guys! Soooooo..... what's up?"

I ask, in order to divert the attention from myself. Immediately, they start talking about the latest TikTok or way of applying lipstick or whatever but I'm not paying attention. To be honest? I never really cared about something as petty as appearance and... well... I am also currently at a dead end on the literature club so I'm too stressed out to pay attention. Thing is, Sayori and I have been trying to get it to work for a few weeks now, and the student council has made it clear that if we do not have 4 members by the time the spring quartet is up, which has, to be frank, 2 weeks left, the club will be shut down.

".... And then she went like this and, like, it was so like, like, I was so like, amazed at like, the quality of that y'know, filter,"

I tune back into my surroundings and force a fake smile onto my face.

"Yeah, Hikari! That sounds awesome!"

She nods and begins rambling about how many snaps she got or something ( her speech being punctuated with a lot of 'likes' ) but I really am not paying attention.

My eyes scan the room and land on a figure in the corner. She is reading a book and.... Wow, she's really pretty.... I take in all her features: her long purple hair, her soft amethyst eyes and her porcelain skin.... Ah I'm getting distracted... I blink as I feel Aoi elbowing me.

"That's Yuri,"

She whispers at me, leaving me confused.

"Huh? Wha-?"

Aoi doesn't let me finish.

"That girl you were looking at, the purple head, right?"

"Uh, yeah-?"

"Ugly, isn't she? Freak"

I raise an eyebrow at that. Aoi, seeing my confusion, pulls at my arm.

"Hey! Where're we going?"

Aoi drags me to where the purple girl is standing.

"Hey! Freak!"

Aoi cups her hands and shouts at the girl, whose head perks up at hearing Aoi's voice.

"I'm talking to you, fuckhead! Get your head out of the gutter!"

"A-ah... Aoi... I-!"

Aoi doesn't let her finish, and roughly grabs her wrist, pushing her against the wall and grabs the book out of her hands. The girl lets out a small squeak of terror as Aoi sneers down at her.

" Awww... scared?"

She glances at the book.

"Strange that someone so freakishly obsessed with gore would be scared of little Aoi..."

"Aoi.... P-please let me go...."

In response, Aoi roughly pushes her down onto the ground and kicks her stomach. She lets out a cry of pain.

"Know not to mess with me, skank,"

She spits out the last syllable. I look down at the girl, whose got tear tracks etched on her face, and I sideways glance at Aoi, who seems to be urging me to do something.


I spit at her. She gets up, hiding her face in her hair and runs away.

Oh no.

I turn back to Aoi and we walk out.


AN: really sorry! This is my first time writing a fanfiction! Tell me on how to improve in the comments- next chapter will be out tommorow!

Word count- 802

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