Adam shows you how to become emo

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*Starts recording*

Adam: is it recording-

*random loud coughing*

​​​​​​​Adam: so um- this is how to be emo just like me

*more coughing*

​​​​​​​Adam: um- well step one umm act like you don't give a shit about the world or whatever-

*and more coughing*

​​​​​​​Adam:step two- *COUGH COUGH* wear all black and stuff-

*even MORE coughing (is this dude ok?)*

​​​​​​​Adam: step three

The door behind Adam opened up

​​​​​​​Jonah: hey Adam do you know where the-

adam: no i do not get out before i punch you

jonah: oh i didn't know you where making a video anyways do you know where the cheese puffs are at?

adam: bro i said i don't did you not listen?

jonah: yeah about that i didn't

Jonah then slams the door closed running away (you can't tell me he isn't naruto running)

​​​​​​​Adam: uh- *loud coughing* never- never mind

He then stops recording

idk how you got this video because there aren't no way he uploaded it

but then maybe?👀😮

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