Jonah thoughts

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i just realized how many typos i make in my stories and im sorry it's bc sometimes i type really fast and aslo bc of autocorrect.     so sorry if i misspelled any words and hope u enjoy


jonah: adam

adam: what?

jonah: what if we're not real like i made all this up and whatever happens im controlling it. it's all my doing

adam: that doesn't make sense-

jonah: AND whenever someone's rude to me im doing it to myself bc there not real im just hurting my own feelings and the alterntes i made it up its all fake

adam: wait *thinking* yeah i still don't get what you're saying

jonah: bro what ur saying is all made up, ur not my friend ur not even real-

adam: SHUT im losing brain cells from this

jonah: what brain cells? ur not real ur just my imagination u don't have brain cells not even a brain

adam: ok dude chill im not going to go through this again. Wait did u say i got no brain?

jonah: no shush your not real u can't tell me what to do its my imagination. i control it

Adam: stop

jonah: U CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO *naruto runs*

adam: istg-


The end

Welp that's done   *cries in emo*

**words -> 203**

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