ch1 drawing

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five year old y/n continues to draw a boy with pale skin and dark brown curly hair. she hums along to some music, eating her snack.

her older brother comes in the living looking for her. he smiles, seeing his little sister dancing to some music.

he picks her up from behind making her shriek. he puts her on his shoulders.

"you scared me!" she says, hitting his shoulders. he pretends to wince, making y/n pout. "that was mean,"

"i'm sorry, kid," he says, looking up at her.

"i'm not a kid, i'm five,"

"which makes you so grown, huh?" jerimiah says, putting her down. he looks at the drawing on the table. "who's this?"

"ion know," y/n says. "i just started to draw him,"

"so he's your soulmate?" jerimiah asks, rubbing his chin. he looks at the drawing, taking it in his hands. "didn't know it was gonna be some white boy..."

"i think he's pretty," y/n says, taking her drawing back. "leave my soulmate alone. i would never talk bad about arson. i love them. she's pretty,"

"yeah, yeah," jerimiah says, ruffling y/n's natural hair. she swats his hands away. "she's the best. you're first, of course,"

y/n giggles, shaking her head.


"what are you drawing, steven?" pearl asks as five year old steven draws a girl. a [skin tone] skin girl with [hair type] hair, and beautiful [features]. he draws a bit of [colour] on her nails as nail polish.

"i don't know...but isn't she pretty?" steven asks pearl, showing her the drawing. pearl smiles, nodding.

"she looks wonderful, steven," pearl says. "and you're a very good drawer. do you want to be an-what are they called- artist when you're older?"

"er maybe. but i think i want to do something like my dad," steven says, putting his drawing back on the table. he colours the girl properly, making it look even better.

garnet comes into the house, walking over to pearl and steven.

"nice drawing, steven," she says, pushing her glasses up. "do they have a name?"

"no..." steven says, putting down his crayon. "but aren't they pretty?"

"very pretty," garnet looks over to pearl, motioning that she needs to talk to her. "we'll be back in a second, steven,"


"what's wrong, garnet?" pearl asks as they close the door of the house. garnet hums, looking at steven.

"there's nothing wrong," garnet says, adjusting her glasses. "it's just that steven has a soulmate. he's drawing her right now,"

"really?!" pearl smiles. "oh, that's wonderful! she's very beautiful,"

"hey guys!" amethyst says, walking up to them. "whatchu doing?"

"steven's drawing his soulmate," pearl gushes. "isn't that cute?"

"lil dude has a soulmate?"

"everyone has a soulmate, amethyst," garnet says. amethyst sticks her tongue out at garnet. "i'm just surprised that's his thing,"

"his thing?"

"most soulmates have red ties or linked emotion, drawing the soulmate is a new one," garnet says.

"i'm so excited for him," pearl says, putting her hand on her chin. "i wonder what their name is,"

"it's y/n. y/n l/n,"

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