ch8 sleepovers

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"y/n! hi!" steven says as he opens the door and tries not to freak out. "come in," y/n waves and walks in, connie walking in behind her.

"yeah just forget about me, steven," connie jokes, crossing her arms.

"connie, don't be mean," y/n says. "hey, amethyst, pearl and garnet. how are you guys?"

"we've good, g!" amethyst says, fist bumping y/n.

"nice to see you again," pearl says, smiling at y/n as garnet nods. "we have a gem mission to get to, we were just making sure that you get to the house safe. we'll be going know. don't do anything reckless-"

"if you want to, you can," amethyst says, interrupting pearl. pearl glares at amethyst and she whistles, walking away.

"don't listen to what she said," pearls starts. "do not do anything reckless and connie's in charge. be safe. and just text or call me or any of the others on our cellular phones," garnet walks out the front door, behind amethyst. pearl waves goodbye to the three teenagers and walks out the front door.

"okay," steven says, turning to y/n and connie. "what do you want to do?"


y/n munches on [favorite topping] pizza, sitting on the beanbags as steven sits next to her, munching on a plain cheese pizza and connie lies on a blanket in front of both of them, munching on some ham and pineapple pizza. they watch season one voltron. y/n simping over keith, which made steven a little bit jealous, and connie simping over lance.

"have you guys watched the ending?" y/n says, finishing her third pizza slice. "i loved it so much that i started to cry cause i didn't want it to end,"

"the ending made me cry too," connie says. "you know how-"

"do not spoil it," steven says. "i haven't finished it," connie and y/n smirk at each other, steven looking at both of them. "no. i swear,"

"so basically-"

"lalalalalala," steven sings, covering his ears. y/n laughs as connie giggles.

"steven, love, we're kidding," y/n says, wiping the tears from her eyes. steven starts to blush at the name.

"i've got to get some ice!" steven shouts, getting up abruptly. he walks out his bedroom, down th stairs.

"is he okay?" y/n asks connie. "we have ice right here," connie shrugs and gets up. a buzz from her phone makes her take her phone out and she sighs with a smile on her face.





yeah yeah

im coming


"hold on, n/n," connie says, putting her phone in her pocket. "we'll be back in a sec," y/n nods, turning to watch voltron.

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