ch5 donuts

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"it's you..." y/n smiles, taking out her earphone. steven blushes, his face feeling a hundred times warmer. "hi steven,"

"hi y/n. it's nice to meet you properly," he says, scratching his neck. "i was thinking if you wanted to actually go on a date...?"


"but obviously you can say no!" steven laughs out loud, sweating. amethyst facepalms, pearl winces slightly and garnet looks at the love struck couple.

"what is he doing?"

"give him a chance,"

"steven can do this,"

"i would love to go on a date with you steven," y/n says with a small laugh. "i mean i want to get to know my soulmate. i think we'll be very close in the future. where do you want to go?"

"maybe to the beach? if you like it?"

"it's your choice," y/n says, looking at him. "you do know beach city better than i do,"

"oh yeah. did you just move?" steven asks, guiding y/n towards the big donut.

"i did. my bro moved in with his partner yesterday when we fused," y/n says, feeling relaxed with the sea air. "i'm guessing with all the information on you online, you've lived here your whole life?"

"information? you stalked me?" steven asks, amused. y/n purses her lips.

"i wouldn't say stalking, per say," she says. "i was just finding out information on someone,"

"and that someone was me?" steven asks as they enter the big donut. "i'm honored,"

"shush," y/n says as they reach the counter.

"universe!" dewey says, rubbing his hands on a kitchen flannel. "what can i get you?"

"i'll have a plain donut, thank you," steven says. "y/n?"

"three [favorite flavor donuts] donuts, please," she says, getting her purse from her small backpack.

"i'm gonna pay, y/n. don't worry about it,"

"no, you're not,"

"yes, i am,"

"no, you're not,"

"universe, you've finally got a soulmate?" dewey asks, prepping their donuts. "look at you, all grown up,"

steven laughs lightly, looking at dewey.

"i'm guessing steven was a cute kid,"

"he was definitely annoying," dewey says. he places to bags of donuts on the counter. deweylooks over towards y/n. "they're on the house. keep him out of"


"right, y/n,"


"these donuts are amazing," y/n says, munching away on one.

"you seem to enjoy them y/n," steven says, looking at her.

"i just like food, steven. that is very important information about me," y/n says, wiping her hands on the tissue that got given with the donuts.

"i guessed that," steven smiles.

"so what other important imformation should i know about my soulmate?" y/n asks. steven puts his hands in a thinking motion.

"i like cooking,"

"i like cooking too!" y/n says. "my bro and his partner taught me how to. is there anything more important than food?" steven laughs lightly at y/nose comment taking a mental note on what type of food she likes as she says it aloud. "is there anything else about my soulmate which is very important?"

"my favourite colour is-"

"pink?" y/n says, looking at him. he purses his lips at her. "is it?"

"yes," he huffs, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. "it's the jacket, isn't it?"

"yeah," y/n laughs. "continue,"

"i'm a vegetarian. i like singing and being a gem. i also like homeworld," steven pauses. "you don't know what that is do you?"

"you gotta teach me more about this gem stuff, soulmate," y/n says, standing up. she puts her hand out, pulling steven up.

steven's face goes pink and his cheeks go warm. he loves the feeling of his soulmates hand in his. it felt so right.

"hey y/n? do you think i-"

"hey steven!"

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