ch3 fusion

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authors pov


a person sits up from colliding with something.

"oh my stars! are you okay? yeah i think so-" the person reaches for y/n's phone, seeing their reflection in the blank screen. "oh my god, we fused! we did...are you okay? that was an accident. i haven't fused with someone so quickly before. i haven't fused with anymore before..." the person tries to stand up, their height definitely have increased. "what do we call us? hold on a min, i don't even know your name. you don't know mine either...i'm steven universe! i'm y/n l/n...and i think our name could be [ship name]. [ship name]? i like it. thank you,"

the person looks at their outfit, a [favourite colour] hoodie with a yellow star on it, from obviously steven. their jeans ripped, from y/n's jean choice. their skin a shade lighter, and [eye colour] eyes. the person shoes pink from steven and curly [hair colour].

"so how do we unfuse? steven? you do know how to unfuse, right? i don't know how to force someone to unfuse with usually happens naturally. or, unless you or i feel really uncomfortable. i don't feel uncomfortable though..."

"steven!" [ship name] turns around, seeing garnet walk up to them. garnet adjust her glasses. "so you've met y/n? and you two fused?" the smile on garnet's face kept getting wider and wider.

'they fused! they fucking fused!'

"yeah. we're called [ship name]!"


"you fused? and only knowing each other for how long?"

"actually, we didn't even get to know each other until we're fused," [ship name] says, responding at pearl.

"and i'm guessing you need to unfuse?" garnet says. "and you both don't know how?"

"well, i've never fused before and steven hasn't unfused someone with force," [ship name] says as they cross their legs, sitting on the sand.

"just relax," garnet says, looking at [ship name]. "feel yourself breaking apart. feel yourself becoming y/n and steven again,"

[ship name] breathes out, a small pink light appearing from them. [ship name] splits into steven and y/n and they both land on the sand.

garnet helps up both y/n and steven.

"wow..." steven mumbles, looking at y/n's face. y/n looks at him with a smile. "really pretty-er it's nice to meet you, face-to-face y/n,"

"it's nice to meet you, steven," y/n says. "do we know each other? you look familiar..."

"i was about to ask you the same thing," steven laughs. "but i'm pretty sure i would remember someone like you,"

"that was smooth," y/n laughs, turning to garnet and pearl. "it's nice to meet you. i'm-"

"y/n," pearl says with a smile. "we know. i'm pearl. it's nice to meet you too,"

"and you're garnet, the one that knew my name from the start," y/n says.

"garnet does have future vision," steven says with a shrug. "so it does make sense that she knows your name,"

"oh," y/n hums. she looks at the time, seeing it's around seven. "ion wanna be a buzzkill but i gotta get home. maybe, i can meet up with you guys tomorrow?"

"yeah, totally totally..." steven says, still dazed by y/n's features.

"see you guys," y/n waves, walking off. steven waves, even though she has turned around. garnet and pearl look at the lovesick boy with a smile.

"you know, that's your soulmate,"


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