Griever attack

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Newts pov

I lay on the bed with yn in my arms. She fell asleep about an hour ago, but I can't sleep. I just keep thinking about if I should ask her to be my girlfriend. What if she doesn't like me back? What if my nightmare was just that, and not a memory? On the other hand, what if she does like me and is just too shy to tell me? There are so many what ifs going on in my mind I don't even notice when yn wakes up.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks me.

"Not much. Just thinking about if we will ever get out of here." I lie.

"You sure that's all you're thinking about?" She questions.

"Yeah" I lie again.

"Ok" she drops it, but she knows somethings up with me.

"Do you think we will make it out of here?"

"I don't know. I have hope that we will."

How can she stay so positive all the time. Is it just an act? Is she not really this happy? Oh well I'm sure she has her reasons.

Yns pov

I know Newt is thinking about something, and he's just not telling me. I don't press on though, because I don't want to pry. It's now night time and we hear screaming outside the hut. We both jump out of bed and see the door isn't closing. The 3 other doors are opening too.

Suddenly grievers start running out of the maze, attacking whoever they can.

"Run! Run!" Thomas screams.

We hide in the tall grass. The glader behind me gets taken by a griever. We all start running again. The glade is in flames now, and everyone that is alive is screaming and running for their lives.

We run to a hut and lock the door. The grievers tail comes through the roof, it grabs Chuck.

"No!" I scream as we all start pulling Chuck, trying to get him free of the griever.

It finally let's go, but it comes back in a second and grabs Alby, we try to grab him but it's too late.

"Alby! No!" Thomas screams.

After awhile of not hearing the grievers we leave the hut. The whole glade is in ruins. I don't notice the tears streaming down my face, until Newt gently wipes them away.

"Thanks" I say in barely a whisper.

"GUYS PACK YOUR STUFF! WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW!" Mino yells so everyone can hear.

"What? So we are just going to leave with no idea how to get out?" Gally questions.

"Thomas and I think we have found a way out." Minho answers.

"Think? No it's too dangerous." Gally argues.

"The grievers are going to be back. It's even more dangerous to stay here." Thomas tells Gally.

"Whatever. Whoever wants to be killed go with Thomas. Whoever wants to live stay with me."

A bunch of gladers walk up next to Thomas including me and Newt. There are still a few gladers who stay with Gally, but I don't remember many of their names.

Newt and I walk to go get packed. We pack in silence, and I wonder what he's thinking.

Newts pov

I don't know what I think about leaving, but I know yn is leaving so I'm definitely going. Of course even if she wasn't here I would still go, because I have been in this glade too long.

She is so quiet, she must still be exhausted. I mean she doesn't talk much anyway, but she still talks more than this.

"I'm scared Newt" she says breaking the silence.

"I am to love, but I know we will make it out of here." I try reassuring her.

"When we get out of here what do you think will happen with us?" She asks.

"I honestly don't know love. One thing I do know though is that I will go wherever you go." I reply hoping to ease her worry.

"Thanks Newt you're the best" she says.

We then hear a bang on the door.

Minho yells. "Change of plans we are leaving in 10 minutes. So hurry up!"

We quickly finish packing our few things, then run to the door where the others are waiting.

Yns pov

We are running to the doors and see Gally yelling at the others. He's telling them they are making a mistake, but none of them will listen to him. I jog past him, but he grabs my arm.

"Ow! Gally let me go!" I tell him, suddenly feeling scared.

"No! Listen to me you are staying, cause I know the others won't leave without you." Gally tells me.

"Gally let her go" Minho tells Gally and he sounds very protective.

"No way! You don't understand I'm trying to save you guys." Gally argues still not letting me go.

Minho punches him, making Gally loosen his grip on my arm enough so I can get away from him.

"We are leaving, and you can stay or go. Your choice." Minho tells him.

"I will never go with you" Gally says sternly.

We finally get going and we reach an area with a griever.

"Ok everyone attack. Yn. Chuck. You go to the entrance and open the door" he tells you.

Minho tells me the code to type in for once we reach the door. We get past the grievers and type in the code.

"Guys its open! C'mon!" I scream.

We all make it through, and we keep walking until we reach a room with a screen. Thomas presses a button and a woman pops up. She is giving some kind of speech, but I'm not listening, everything that just happened is replaying in my head. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a familiar voice. It's Gally.

"You can't leave." He tells us while he's crying.

He points a gun at Thomas.

"He's stung" Minho says while getting his spear ready for if he needs it.

"Gally put the gun down." Thomas tells Gally.

"We can't leave. No one can." He says while pulling the trigger, at the same time Minho throws the spear at Gally.

Chuck jumps Infront of Thomas. Thomas look at his stomach, then at Chuck who is now on the ground.

"Ha he missed!" Thomas laughs.

"No he didn't" I say while looking at my bleeding stomach. I fall down, but Newt catches me.

"It's ok love. It's ok I got you" he says while tears stream down his face.

"N-Newt just know I love you. I was to shy to tell you in the glade, but I do I really do love you." I confess.

"I love you too. More than anything." He tells me.

Then everything goes dark, I can't hear or see anything anymore. I'm not alive, but not dead yet either.

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