Part VII

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My morning started with a trip to Steven's apartment. I had to check if he was there... just in case. Checking the gallery crossed my mind, but I knew there was no way he'd go there, not before letting me know he was safe at least. I scanned every face I passed on the street in search for him, but he wasn't there.

I had to leave.

I had a plane to catch.

I didn't want to leave, I wanted to scour every corner of London until I found him. But I decided I would come back, after Cairo. I'd come back, I'd listen to everything he needed to tell me, and we'd find a way to make it work.

The whole time I was in the airport my head was in a fog. It was a good thing that I had done this so many times now because my brain was anywhere else than where it should've been. I somehow managed to get to my gate without incident and while waiting, pulled out my laptop. I sifted through the hundreds of photos I took while in London, searching and searching for-

there it is.

There HE is.

Steven, with wonder and joy in his eyes as he talked endlessly about Egyptian history, unaware of my sneaky shutter. He was so beautiful. He IS so beautiful. That stray curl that regularly fell from his messy locks, his soft brown eyes, and oh my god, his smile. I'd give my life to see his gorgeous smile one last time. I wish I had invited him to come with me to Egypt, it would make so much sense.

My Steven. I'll find you.

The plane boarded and I found my seat, an aisle seat near the back. I organized my things, got comfy, and as I lifted my head, I saw a familiar face walking down the aisle.

What. The. Fuck?

When her eyes met mine I could tell she was thinking something similar.

Please don't sit back here, please don't sit back here...

She continued her saunter down the aisle, though obviously more uncomfortable than before, and took her seat... the aisle seat, directly across from me.


We both sat looking directly forward, neither wanting to acknowledge the other more than we already had... but I had to ask.

"Is... Marc... with you?"

"No." Layla replied.

"Is Ste- are they safe?"

"As far as I know, for now."

For now?!

"What are you doing here?" She snapped, actually turning to face me.

"I have work in Cairo, I have a job to do."

"That's all?"

"Yes. May I ask what you're doing here?"

"No." She said, turning to face forward again.

Not surprised.

The flight felt longer than it should have due to the intense uncomfortable energy between us. I decided to try talking to her, which could either make things better or a hell of a lot worse. Either way, it felt necessary.

"I'm not in love with Marc." I told her.

"Good." She replied.

"But I am in love with Steven."

"What's the difference?"

"You've talked to them, I know you know there's a difference. I don't blame you for having a hard time accepting it. It's... an interesting situation to say the least. I didn't understand until I talked to Arthur, and then all the pieces kind of clicked together."

To Warm A Lonely Night - Moon Knight (Steven Grant x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now