Chapter III

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Vlad's POV

Sat in my throne I do not think about the dancers spread out before me, the only person I am searching for in the crowds is Anna. I'm going to have to keep an eye on her... When she decides to come over I swear I will actually run. Finally I spot her thick dark hair across the room and stare at her incredulously as she flirts with yet another man! I can't believe my father ever thought she would be a suitable partner for me! Who's ever heard of an unfaithful queen- well actually perhaps there has been a few... but that's beside the point. None of the lady's in this room seem even the slightest entertaining, so I resign myself to watching that nightmare of a woman perform her little act of seduction. The whole scenario is quite entertaining.
Out of the corner of my eye though I suddenly catch the glimpse of an angel-like figure dressed in red.
It's her.

I don't know her name, but I've seen her in the markets from time-to-time. She's a beauty. I believe she may be a commoner, but all the girls in the kingdom were invited to the ball tonight - and I'm glad of it too. This may be the only opportunity I'll get to introduce myself to her without the prying eyes of guards and the criticism of my father.

Let's Start With ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora