Chapter VI

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Mirena's POV

"May I have this dance..." The prince paused.

"Mirena. My name's Mirena."

Vlad chuckled, "May I have this dance Mirena?"

The next thing I knew, I was dancing amongst the rest of the couples. We hadn't talked since I'd agreed to dance with him, but it didn't matter. Just being held by him was bliss. We continued to spin and laugh at others who were falling over each other on occasion. Eventually, my feet began to ache too much to carry on and we ended up gently swaying at the edge of the ballroom.
"So I was thinking maybe we could get out of here," Vlad whispered his breath tickling my ear "I mean if you want to keep dancing then I'd be honoured to continue with you... However, I sense that you may be feeling as exhausted as I am..."
I nod my head and sigh with relief. Vlad squeezed my hand and moved off into the crowd of dancers. Having quickly lost him in the crowd I began to panic, I'd already got lost once in this place, then I saw him leave out a side door and so I ran to catch him up.
Bursting through the doors in a flurry of colourful material, I come upon the castle's rose garden. The sky is dark and clear, each constellation standing out and telling stories in the sky. The air is crisp and almost hurts to breath in.
My eyes wander searching for him, until I see a flash of his white smile shining dazzlingly beyond a petal covered archway.

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