Chapter VII

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Vlad's POV

Once I am outside, I turn to look back at my lovely Mirena. She slips through the castle door and as it shuts behind her all the lights and the noise of the ball fade. It's just her and I under the great expanse of night sky above us, and whilst my surroundings of roses and stars are truly stunning, Mirena remains the concentration of my thoughts.

She smiles when she sees me - a gorgeous smile which shone brightly in the moonlight. I can't help but wonder how many of the other men in that ballroom had been pining after her as I had, and I chuckle to myself at the privileges of being a prince with their own rose garden and the ability to have Mirena all to myself.

"Wow..." She says, "This is beautiful..." her breathe seems to be taken away as she turns her head to gaze at the views surrounding her.

"It is" I mutter, studying the contours of her face. Mirena turns around, and blushes when she realises I hadn't been referring to the garden.

Attempting to change the topic of conversation Mirena continues, "So, how come you chose to waste your night on a commoner like me..." She begins walking down the path,  "I thought you had been promised to Anna Valerious in order to unite the kingdoms. Besides, I mean, every man has been trying to dance with her all night."

"Well, Mirena, it may have slipped your attention, but I am not every man. Anna is a vile, selfish woman with no sense of honour, and I refuse to fight for her attention. As for being promised to her, yes, this is true. However, I am Vlad the Impaler, and I will marry whom I choose... and right now I am choosing to spend my evening with the only woman in that ballroom who caught my eye. I suppose whether or not it's a waste depends on how you feel about me stealing you for the night..."

Mirena smiled and turned to me as we sat down on the bench. "If I'm totally honest I'm not sure if I'm dreaming... this is all so surreal to me. But of course, I suppose this is the majority of girls in the kingdom's dream."

Vlad chuckles, "I take it that means you're enjoying yourself too then".

Mirena turns away and nods sheepishly, staring at her hands resting in her lap. I notice a shiver travel through her and so edge towards her, wrapping my large royal cloak around her and taking her hands in my own. They are ice cold - not surprising considering the beautiful yet impractical fabric of her dress. As I continue to admire her gown, this is when I notice the pin in her hair. It's a dragon. But not just any dragon - the dragon of house Dracula.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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