Chapter IV

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Mirena's POV

Before knocking on the door of Castle Dracula, I glance quickly into one of the windows. Admittedly, I do look a little flustered. My cheeks are a rosy red where I had rushed to the castle, not wanting anyone to recognise me, and my hair is a bit of a mess. I try wrapping a few loose strands around the pin Grandfather gave me and sticking them back into the style, but I know that it isn't much use. I've never been able to tame my hair, and decide tonight will probably not be the night that it starts to behave itself.

Once I had hesitantly banged the knocker to the castle doors, a man dressed in gold plated armour received me as I entered. He pointed the way to the ballroom and I shuffle through the empty corridors in the direction the man pointed me in.

After about five minutes of wandering the corridors, I give up. There is no hope; I'm well and truly lost. As I turn the corner there is yet another door, and giving up trying to find the ballroom myself, I go in, in search of help.

As I enter the room, I notice the walls are painted in an eerie bruised purple colour, and hung on the walls are all manners of weaponry, varying from sharp silver swords, to small spiked stakes. I backed away, out of the room, knowing from the glare of the person in the portrait hanging on the only spare space on the wall opposite me, that this room should be left unexplored.

As I back out of the room and turn to shut the clunky door behind me, but feel myself hit a wall which had not been there before. I turn, and as I turn a figure looms over me like a tower. It's one of the guards. His face is covered by his helmet but I can see his eyes through the gaps, one of which was a cloudy white colour with a terrifying scar stretching from his brow to his cheek.
I struggle to catch my breath, let alone string a sentence together, "I... lost ... sorry... help... prince... ballroom?"
"Follow me." The man replied gruffly. As I go to follow him, he steps in front of me, blocking the way.
"If my men or I find you lurking around this side of the castle again, especially in that room, the consequences will be severe."
I nod silently and let the man lead me back the way I came, up some stairs to the left, and through a large pair of doors.
The wood looks new, just like every other part of the castle, with not a single visible splinter or scratch, and attached to the doors are two large dragon shaped handles, the same as the pin in my hair. I admire them momentarily, and then proceed to heaving open one of the doors and entering the ballroom. Embroidered drapes hang from the ceiling, and along one side of the room there is a huge table decorated with golden candelabras and the most amazing smelling food I think I have ever smelt. The floor is made of marble and a floral pattern spreads out across the room looping and twirling through people's feet. Ladies dance gracefully past me with their well groomed men at their sides, consciously shoving each other out of the way, fighting to dance in the centre of the room. I let out a small giggle at the snobbishness of lords and ladies, and make my way through the crowds to a quieter spot in the room. Once I've reached a fairly secluded space, I rake my eyes over the room and see the prince finally. He's staring at Anna, again, and as I'm about to turn away in disappointment he turns his head, catching my eye briefly, and then quickly turning away again, his face slightly red. I let myself smile a little. He'd looked at me!

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