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You who have crossed the horizon,
Couldn't hold on to you,
Now can't let you go,

Even now that you are gone,
Those memories still lingers around the heart,
Dream feels like a reality,
Reality is long forgotten,

You who used to be so close to me,
Now you are only part of a dream,

Even the smallest things reminds
me of you,
You are the one who crossed the horizon,
And I am the one who keeps thinking about you,

You whose laughter used to be the most liveliest,
Now you stay alive only inside a dream,

You who have crossed the horizon,
Couldn't hold on to you,
Now can't let you go,

There's still hope to find someone who is lost,
But what to do when your someone is forever gone,

I know you went to a better place now,
But it would've been more better if
you stayed.




Because the magic is in me, and the magic is in you. 🍀

Let's stay connected.


❝Let's get lost inside the fantasy realm you create, a place where we can be together.❞

⚘Thank you for reading⚘

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