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There are two types of Regrets in life
first is regret about Why I didn't do it and second is regret about Why I did this?

Human life consists of many choices
Sometimes we make right choices and sometimes we don't...

Every person have some regrets in life some chooses to drown with it
And some chooses to swim out of it...

We make mistakes that we regret a lot
But we need to step forward..
Life sometimes gives us opportunities to correct our mistakes and sometimes it doesn't...

Sometimes we should learn to let go of what haunts us... We need to learn to move forward and work hard to set our future...

No matter how strong chains of Regrets are... We need to step forward
Even if we get bruised we need to step forward to set a better life for us..
So that one day when someone ask you, "What will you erase from your past mistakes?" You get to say, "if it weren't for those mistakes I wouldn't be here."

It's easy to say live a life with no Regrets but it's the toughest thing to do...

Mankind tends to look back and Regret..
We all have Regrets but we need to learn to let go of it for our own good...

In my life I still have some regrets I refuse to let go but no matter how bounded I am to those regrets ...
I know I need to let go of it for my own good❣️


💜Love&believe 💜

🌈 Let's stay connected 💮

🦋Because the magic is in me
and the magic is in you.🦄


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