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Welcome to Living Life, Frame by Frame!

This book will be a book full of short stories and poems, inspired by photos that I have taken.

All of these photos are taken by me, and have been uploaded to my Instagram, kierazepug.

If you would like to see photos that appear in this book, or any photos that I will not be writing stories or poems for, then please feel free to follow my Instagram! It would be very much appreciated.

If the poem or story covers a topic that some may find to be sensitive, I will be putting a warning at the start, just to let people know.

Since I am learning Japanese, some of the poem titles will be in Japanese, but an English translation will always be provided. Through this, it helps my reading ability as well as allows me to use what I have learnt! However,  I am nowhere near fluent so there may be some mistakes!(If there is anybody fluent in Japanese, and sees a specific title is wrong, please do feel free to correct me and help provide the correct word/phrase! It would be very much appreciated)

With that, I hope you enjoy reading the stories and poems I write, as well as viewing the photos I will be putting with each! 

Living Life, Frame by FrameWhere stories live. Discover now