Deadly Disturbance

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TW: Violence

Trees swaying gently in the breeze, as if dancing

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Trees swaying gently in the breeze, as if dancing. The slightly cold wind blowing softly, silently, like that of a sneaking cat who is waiting to catch their prey. The leaves rustle, some even falling from their trees to the ground below. The ones that remain bathe in the golden rays of the warm spring sun.

The forest floor was adorned with purple flowers, creating a picturesque scene, one that easily looked like it came out of a movie, and one that could relax and bring serenity to anybody who came by.

On a normal day, it would be quiet and calming.

However, today was not one of those days.

I ran through the forest, not caring about the flowers I was trampling, killing. I'd rather the flowers than me, as I'm sure anyone would.

The wind was rushing past me, the cold air attacking my skin like icicles, but I tried not to pay attention to it, as other things were on my mind.

I eventually managed to find a tree with a thick enough trunk for me to hide behind, as I took the time to catch my breath. My throat was raw from the cold air, and I knew if I survived, it would hurt the next day.

"I'll find you again eventually hunter." I heard from behind me, and I didn't dare reply in fear of giving away my location.

How did I end up like this? I was one of the top vampire hunters, and I was sent to kill one of the pureblood nobles that had re-awaken after centuries.

I was hoping to kill them in daylight, but unfortunately, they had adapted, and were able to survive in sunlight rather than being active at night.

That was something I didn't anticipate, as almost all vampires were only active at night, except for the ones that had been recently turned.

That not only spelt danger for me, but also for innocent people as well.

"Hmm... I wonder where they could be." The vampire said, in a sickly sweet but sadistic tone, making my skin crawl.

I had handled many vampires, but none have made my skin crawl more than this one has.

  Maybe it was because they were a pureblood, and I had only fought one once before.

Maybe it was the fact they could keep up with me, and seemed to calculate my moves perfectly.

Taking a quiet but deep breath, I peeked around the edge of the tree trunk and looked around, relief washing over me as I saw the vampire was nowhere to be found.

However, that relief soon vanished the moment I turned around.

"Found you." They said, as their hand went to grasp my neck.

Luckily for me, I managed to duck under them, pulling out the gun I had from the holster on my thigh, and aiming it straight at them.

"You may have found me but it doesn't mean anything for you." I say, pulling the trigger shortly after, the sound echoing throughout the serene forest, disrupting the peace and making the birds fly from the tree they had been previously perched in.

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