A Butterfly's Dream

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Title: 蝶々の夢 (Chouchou no yume, a butterfly's dream)

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Title: 蝶々の夢 (Chouchou no yume, a butterfly's dream)

Small but fragile,

Beautiful yet delicate,

Delicate, yet agile,

Fragile, yet strong

Or so it wants to be,

But something is stopping it,

Fear, uncertainty, change, confidence,

All because of what it has been told,

All because of what it has heard

It wants to spread its wings,

To embrace the potential that it has,

But it's scared,

Scared because of what it's been told

Scared because of what it has heard

It has a dream,

A dream to become what it wants to be,

A dream to fly,

A dream to spread it's wings

Slowly but surely,

It gains courage,

Letting its dream become a reality,

As it slowly spreads its wings

And beautiful wings they were,

Colours that were both beautiful and mysterious,

Colours that the butterfly loved,

As it took the first step,

As it flapped its wings for the first time

It left the leaf it was clinging onto,

As it started to fly,

As it started to gain its strength,

Leaving all the negative things it had been told,

Leaving all the negative things it had heard,

Leaving all of that behind,

As it slowly made its dream a reality

Small but fragile,

Beautiful yet delicate,

Delicate yet agile,

Fragile, yet strong

That's what the butterfly became,

As its dream was no longer a dream,

But was now the butterfly's reality 

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