The moon

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Title: The moon

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Title: The moon

A dark autumn night,

trees swaying gently in the wind,

the stars, twinkling brightly,

the occasional black cloud,

drifting softly by

A pale white glow,

shining down upon the darkness,

illuminating the blackened earth,

allowing life to see

A large body of water,

crystal clear,

turned black by the darkness,

yet the moon reflects,

a perfect white sphere,

on the darkened waters

I look up at the moon,

peaceful, relaxing, quiet,

compared to the turmoil in my head,

this is a peaceful change

Shattered memories, missing pieces,

I can't remember my friends, family,

but the moon helps me remember,

it helps me feel at peace

The moon reflects perfectly,

on the blackened waters,

yet when I look in mirrors,

reflective surfaces,

my face appears distorted

Why can't I be as perfect as the moon?

I stand, bathed in moonlight,

letting it wash over me, calm me

as for the first time in a while,

I feel at peace 

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