Cursed Eternity

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Cursed Eternity:

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Cursed Eternity:

When you walk into an amusement park, you would expect it to busy with families, friends, or people that simply wanted to go on their own. If not, you'd assume it was abandoned, and expect it to be closed off to stop anyone causing trouble.

Yet... this one wasn't.

There was no one here, the only sound accompanying the place was the occasional rustle of trees that were scattered around the edges of the amusement park, or the summer breeze brushing past abandoned tents or stalls.

Yet, the place wasn't closed off.

People just walked by it, as if it didn't exist, and being the curious person that you were, you decided to check it out. After all, if it really was abandoned, surely it wouldn't be this easy to access.


Something strange, however, was people didn't even seem to acknowledge the amusement park entrance, and just walked by it as if it didn't exist, nor did they bat an eye when you walked in.

You walked slowly, your footsteps echoing in the wind, taking in the sights around you. The royal blue sky was above you, clouds floating softly amidst the blue, occasionally obscuring the golden rays of the sun, casting a shadow on the already eerie amusement park.

There wasn't many attractions around; to the left of you, there was a rollercoaster, which normally would be the reason for screams of fear or enjoyment. To the right, was a carrousel, which, in a normal amusement park, would be playing joyous music, as the carrousel went round and round.

A seemingly innocent attraction suddenly seemed more terrifying and ominous when no music was being played, nor when there were any people.

In the middle of the amusement was a Ferris wheel, so tall you had to crane your neck in order to look at it. The capsules were vacant, and swayed in the breeze, emitting a creak when they did so, and you wondered how stable it was when it was in use.

You continue to walk around the amusement park, your curiosity getting the better of you, taking in all the stalls and attractions that once brought so many people together and gave everyone a sense of joy and happiness.

Soon enough, your footsteps were joined by another person's. You stopped dead in your tracks, wondering where the footsteps had come from. You hadn't seen anyone else enter the amusement park after you, nor had you heard any other footsteps than your own until now.

From the corner of your eye, you saw something move, and you quickly turned, only to find nothing was there.

This time, you heard a sound behind you, and when you turned around, you noticed three children, all staring at you and giggling.

"Are you lost?" You ask them, to which you receive no reply at first. Instead, they just kept giggling.

You repeat the question again, just in case they hadn't heard you.

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