Aquatic Temptation

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TW: death

Aquatic tempation:

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Aquatic tempation:

The azure sky was overhead, pewter clouds accumulating on the horizon. The turquoise sea was at ease, the waves softly hitting the edge of the beach I was sat at. There weren't many people on the beach, despite the golden rays of the sun dancing beautifully upon the reflection of the sea.

I could feel the dandelion-coloured sand below my fingertips, and despite being rough and coarse, it brought a sense of comfort to me. The atmosphere of the beach itself was tranquil, the only sounds to be heard were the waves themselves, as well as faint chatter from the people around me. The wind wasn't too strong either; it was only a gentle summer's breeze, a nice cool contrast to the warmth of the rays that belonged to the sun.

Looking at the clouds, I hoped it wasn't going to rain; I had come down to the beach to get away from the crowds of people, and have a moment to myself away from everything else.

As the sun slowly began to set, I looked to my left and noticed a figure; one that didn't look distinctly human, sitting on the graphite-coloured rocks that were near the pier of the beach. I took a quick scan of my surroundings; people were starting to leave, so it was only myself and the figure that remained.

As soon as I laid eyes on them, it was like I was in a trance; I couldn't look away. They had what looked like a longing gaze as they stared out into the sea. They had semi-long raven black hair that flowed freely behind them in the summer breeze, and as I cautiously walked closer I could confirm my earlier suspicions of them not being entirely human.

Instead of human legs, they had a beautiful sapphire blue tail that had scales that glittered under the rays of the sun, making it look like a prized jewel that would go for the highest price if it were to be sold. Instead of human ears, they had similar coloured gills on the side of their head.

They were softly singing a tune I didn't recognise, but I couldn't deny that even their voice was captivating, and was easily something I could listen to for hours without ever getting bored

Once they noticed my presence, they shifted their gaze from the sea to me, revealing a stunning pair of cobalt blue eyes, with slits down the middle, similar to that of a cat.

We stared at each other in silence, them analysing me, while I was analysing them. Even if I wanted to look away, I didn't think I could; something about them not being human, the mysterious aura around them, or their appearance was incredibly alluring.

Maybe it was a mix of all three.

I was the first to break the silence, staying a safe distance from them, far enough for them not to hurt me, but close enough for them to hear me without needing to shout.

"What are you?" I asked. I wasn't even trying to hide the curiosity in my voice, and they only stared at me for a moment before replying.

"I'm what your kind would call... a siren."

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