untitled 05 | 10.31.99

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So far no one has thrown a party worth mentioning. But now that the holidays were rolling in, everyone was starting to throw house parties again. The best parties were always Halloween parties.

Beyoncé loved dressing up, not in something basic like slutty cheerleaders but as famous celebrities. This year she dressed up as one of her favorite artists, Janet Jackson.

She doesn't go to any parties without her trustee partner, Robyn.

Robyn playfully rolled her eyes at Beyoncé's costume. The hat and the glove made her look so unserious. She never showed the sexy and irresistible side of her. She was always trying to get girls and was tired of Beyoncé sitting on the sidelines. She wanted her playing on the field.

"So how are things going with your new girlfriend" Beyoncé asked jokingly, referring to Robyn's new roommate. She knew Robyn was not the type to settle down with anyone.

Robyn cringed at the word girlfriend. "Me? Exclusive? I have to laugh"

"Poor girl," Beyoncé said as she shook her head. "Doesn't even know what she's gotten herself into"

"She's not even here tonight. Which meansss, you and I can have a little fun together" Robyn smirked, wiggling her eyebrows towards two girls walking in to the kitchen.

"You know who that is, right?" Beyoncé asked knowingly. They went to high school with them. Brit and Lori. Brittany was the actual slut at their school, not Beyoncé. She's slept with half of the guys at their school and never got any backlash.

She doesn't know much about Lori though. Never even heard her talk. Robyn would flirt with her and all she ever did was smile.

"The past is the past. Let's have some fun" Robyn said suggestively.

"This is something we could knock off our bucket list. Tag team" Robyn smirked while nudging her.

"I don't think sleeping with hoes should be on anyones bucket list"

Robyn waved her off. She was killing her vibe.

"Watch me work my magic" Robyn smirked as she walked over to the girls. Lori cut her eyes past Robyn and towards Beyoncé and smiled. Beyoncé smiled back awkwardly and found herself escaping to anywhere else.

Kelly was at the same party because she knew everyone there was to know and was invited to all of these events. She left a little early because her boyfriend was complaining about a headache.

They went back to Kelly's dorm room so he can lay down and get some rest but his headache was suddenly gone.

"It's been a long time since we been alone together" he said, wrapping his hand around her thigh. "How long has it been?" He asked while placing kisses on her neck.

"Umm.." Kelly chuckled uncomfortably. "I don't know"

Her boyfriend was in a affectionate mood. She didn't mind the affection, but they were all alone in her room right now. If she wasn't careful, things could escalate and that was the last thing she wanted.

"How much have you had to drink?" She asked frowning a bit.

"One or two bottles. Don't worry, bae. I'll still be in the moment with you"  he said while still kissing on her neck.

The door opened and Beyoncé walked inside, interrupting the middle of their private moment.

"Oh.. I-I can come back later" Beyoncé said stumbling upon her words a bit after almost catching Kelly and her boyfriend in action.

Kelly shot up and quickly responded. She couldn't have came at a better moment.

"No. It's okay" she pushed her hair back and repositioned herself on the bed, further away from her guy friend. "You're already here. I wouldn't wanna put you out, I mean it's your room too"

Beyoncé rose her eyebrow suspiciously. Kelly being overly nice to her? Hmm.. She looked between the two of them, trying to get a good read of the room. She couldn't place her finger on it, but something was wrong. It was all in Kelly's eyes. She could care less about Kelly but her eyes were screaming 'help me' and she couldn't just ignore the feeling she was getting.

"Cool," Beyoncé nodded in Kelly's direction while looking over at the guy who was still itching to move closer to Kelly. He wanted something from her and his eyes were angry.

"Surprised you guys left the party so soon" she said, engaging in conversation. Her goal was to talk long enough to completely ruin the mood in the atmosphere.

"Yea.. well we kinda just wanted to be alone until curfew hit, if you know what I mean?" Her guy friend said bouncing his eyebrows up and down, trying his best to get Beyoncé to leave the room.

Beyoncé looked over at Kelly once again, her eyes were telling the same story. She had never known Kelly to be quiet about anything she was bothered by, so there's no way that she was comfortable with her leaving. She must be scared if she's not saying anything.

"Yea, I feel you" Beyoncé yawned and stretched her arms out. "I'd probably do the same if I had somebody. My friend completely ditched me for some random chick tonight, can you believe that?" she chuckled to herself while laying down on her bed. "So how long have you guys been dating?"

The man sucked his tooth and rolled his eyes in Kelly's direction. Kelly avoided eye contact with him, which apparently pissed him off. He hopped off the bed and stormed out of the room, making sure he slammed the door behind him.

Kelly quickly got up and ran after him.

"Wait!" She said grabbing his arm. He pushed her off and faced her.

"I'm sick of this shit, bro. Every-time we alone together you always dog me, but wanna be all in my face in public. You don't really fuck with me Kelly. I can see that now. I'm cool off that shit. So me and you, we done"

In a way, he wasn't wrong. Kelly started talking to him sophomore year because everyone started asking why she was still single. She wasn't comfortable with who she was, so she started dating him as a cover up. She didn't want people to keep asking why she's never had a boyfriend. It was messed up to do but she felt like it was the only thing she could do.

"Chris, wait. I told you I'm just not ready for that step"

"Nah, you just not ready for that next step with me. We been together since junior year, I'm just not buying that shit no more" he scoffed, shaking his head as he walked away.

Kelly took a harsh breath out her nose and closed her eyes. She completely ruined a good relationship all because she didn't want to have sex with him. She's been with her boyfriend for nearly three years and still couldn't bring herself to do it. Her heart wasn't in it.

He was searching for reasons why and she could only come up with one excuse. But Kelly didn't know if she was trying to convince him, or herself.

She came back into the door room a lot quieter than when she exited. Beyoncé looked up from her book. She wanted some kind of explanation on what that was but didn't want to pry. Kelly already looked uncomfortable and she didn't want to make things worse by asking.

Kelly fell face down on her pillow and groaned loudly into it. "Don't even ask"

Beyoncé cornered a small smile and nodded her head in agreement. They were already on the same page, because she wasn't going to.

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