Just So You Know

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Thanksgiving break was over now and everyone was back to their normal schedules. Beyoncé was intentionally avoiding Robyn because of how she accidentally blew her off over the holiday.

She prioritized Kelly so much that she forgot that she asked Robyn if she was coming over. Robyn called Beyoncé on thanksgiving to see where Beyoncé was but she was having a heart to heart moment with Kelly and didn't answer.

Ever since then she hasn't talked to Robyn. She was trying to think of how she could explain. Kelly got into a fight with her mom but that wasn't any of Robyn's business.

But now Beyoncé told Kelly to forget about the past so they could finally start their new friendship with a clean slate. Robyn wasn't going to like that either.

She had major anxiety about how Robyn would react if she told her. She just hoped she'd be cool about it. It's not like they were dating. She was just her roommate so it made sense to at least be friends now.

Robyn caught her in the hallway after her classes. Beyoncé couldn't avoid her any longer. She went back to her dorm and sat on her bed. Kelly wasn't here so they had time to talk privately.

"So what the fuck happened this weekend that you felt the need to keep a secret?" She asked standing by the door.

Beyoncé groaned. "Your not gonna let this go are you?"

"You really don't wanna tell me" Robyn gasped in shock. "Girl you ghosted me on thanksgiving. Thanksgiving!"

Beyoncé playfully rolled her eyes, knowing Robyn would be pissed till the new year if she didn't tell her what happened.

"Okay fine" she took Robyn's hand and dragged her inside the dorm room. She sat on her bed, thinking of a way to explain without saying too much.

"So I before I left, I forgot my phone and had to come back to the dorms. When I came back I saw that Kelly was still here-"

Robyn rolled her eyes before she was even half-way through the story. "Not this bitch"

"Are you gonna let me finish?" Beyoncé huffed, crossing her arms. Robyn leaned against the wall and motioned for her to continue.

"I offered to give her a ride.." Beyoncé continued. Robyn clenched her jaw but remained silent so Beyoncé could finish the rest of the story. "You know I can't drive at night so we crashed at my place. Mama and Solange were so rude to her that I had to leave"

"They have a right to be. She's literally not a good person"

"People can change" Beyoncé said.

"Has she though?" Robyn clapped back.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "But after we got to Kelly's. I helped her cook and then we went back to the dorms. I was gonna go to mamas but I knew they wouldn't be nice" she said keeping it short and leaving out a few important details.

Robyn narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Hold up, hold up. This story is not adding up" she said swinging her finger side to side. "Why wouldn't you just stay at Kelly's.. didn't she want to visit her family too?"

Beyoncé refused to air Kelly's business out like that.

"She didn't wanna stay the night, so we just left" she shrugged.

"That's so stupid. She should've just stayed her ass at the campus then" Robyn shook her head.

"And also.. we decided to let go of the past and be friends" Beyoncé said mumbling the last part.

"What?!" Robyn yelled. "Oh my god, you see what happens when you don't talk to me for two days" Robyn held her head, trying to process this devastating news. "I can't.. I can't even process this"

"See, this is why I didn't wanna tell you" Beyoncé sighed getting off of her bed.

"What makes you think that she's deserving of you? Like seriously. I'm having a hard time seeing what you see"

"She's my roommate Rob. I don't want any bad blood"

"Then she should've never talked shit about you. She is the bad blood you speak of!" She exaggerated.

"Can you be nice to her at least? Everyone has been mean so far and it's draining" Beyoncé ran her hand down her face. It was exhausting how much she was having to do to defend Kelly.

"Ask her to be nice. She's the bully"

"Robyn.." Beyoncé frowned. She was starting to sound exactly like her mother. Robyn sucked her tooth at her disapproving tone. She knew she was serious and she didn't want to make her upset. As much as she couldn't stand Kelly, she'll play nice.

"Fine" she sighed as she submitted. Plus she said they were just friends. It wasn't like they were dating.

"Come here" she said opening up her arms, inviting Beyoncé inside. "I guess I'm proud of you"

Beyoncé smiled in her arms as Robyn planted a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes, enduring the long hug from Robyn. This is how she wanted everyone to act on thanksgiving but it was the total opposite.

The door opened and Kelly walked through it. She cringed at how much affection Robyn was giving Beyoncé. She hardly seen them kissing but every time she did it made her sick.

"I'll come back if you guys need the room" she said grabbing both of their attention. They hadn't even heard the door open.

"No it's okay, we were about to grab something to eat" Beyoncé said freeing one of her arms. Robyn's arm was still wrapped around her waist. "You wanna come with?"

Robyn nearly side eyed Beyoncé after she invited her without a second thought. It was hard for her to change her perspective on Kelly after looking at her as a enemy for so long. She definitely wasn't trying to eat with her.

Kelly shook her head darting her eyes at Robyn. "No thank you. I actually already ate" Kelly lied. "But thanks for the invite" she said plastering a half-smile.

Robyn rolled her eyes in annoyance, not caring if Kelly saw or not. She looked Kelly up and down, not seeing any to go boxes in her hand or anything. Even though she didn't want Kelly to come, she wasn't convinced that anything she just said was genuine.

She was partly right though. Kelly was lying, but not for the reason she thinks.

Beyoncé smiled and waved bye.

Kelly loved being around Beyoncé but she wasn't comfortable enough to spend a evening with her and Robyn yet. Every-time she saw Robyn so close to Beyoncé she would get in a bad mood. She didn't know why and she couldn't help it either.

With only the three of them hanging out, there was a chance of Robyn touching her or kissing her and she wasn't up for that. At least not yet.

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