Rumor has it

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Beyoncé hated high school. Everything about it, actually. The loud kids on the bus, the crowded hallways, and the smell of the cafeteria. She just didn't like being around people in general. She was the girl who always kept to herself.

Even though she liked being alone, she had a good friend to be alone with. Robyn Fenty. Robyn was the same as her. Quiet. That's why she liked her. The only thing different about them was Robyn loved the ladies. Beyoncé did too but she didn't have the confidence Robyn did.

Beyoncé met Robyn during the middle of her freshman year. Robyn was new to the school and she grabbed her before anyone else could.

It wasn't until sometime after Christmas break when Beyoncé started to get bullied by this popular girl, Kelly Rowland. She was very popular for a freshman. It seemed like she knew everyone no matter the grade.

Out of nowhere, she started spreading rumors about Beyoncé. It was strange tho because they weren't even true.

Robyn told Beyoncé that people would eventually leave her alone once the rumor got tired. She was right because it eventually did die out.

That was until the start of the next school year. Every year after summer was over, there was a new rumor about her. All made up by the she-devil Kelly. Beyoncé couldn't stand her.

Sophomore year she told everyone Beyoncé lost her virginity on the playground after school. Junior year was when she convinced everyone she got pregnant by some random guy and had the baby over the summer.

Obviously none of this was true because Beyoncé was a full on lesbian. Never even kissed a boy. Senior year she called her Bitchyoncé because she ignored everyone that would try to talk to her.

In other words, let's just say Beyoncé was more than happy to graduate and get as far away from Kelly as possible. She wouldn't care if she never saw her face again.

Over the summer Beyoncé spent as much time with her family as she could because for freshman year of college she was going to be living in a dorm. She didn't know who her roommate was gonna be yet but she hoped it was Robyn, since they were going to the same university. They couldn't arrange their roommates but they definitely would've picked each other.

"You ready?" Robyn smiled happily rolling her and Beyoncé's suitcase behind her. They made it to the building and were looking for their rooms.

"I just hope my roommate doesn't snore" Beyoncé laughed.

"Why? You don't want any competition?" Robyn teased.

She slapped her arm and laughed. "Oh shutup, I don't snore"

She playfully rolled her eyes and kept walking down the hall. They walked to Robyn's room first since it was closest one.

"This is me" she told her. She handed Beyoncé her suitcase before peeking inside of her room. She smiled wide.

"Check out the babe" she mouthed opening the door wider so I can get a look.

She was a pretty light skinned girl with dimples on both sides of her cheeks. Definitely Robyn's type. Beyoncé smiled while shaking her head. She kissed her cheek and waved her bye before traveling further down the hall to see where her room was.

She reached the last room on the hall. Finally. The door was already unlocked so all she had to do was walk inside. She exhaled slowly, suddenly feeling herself become nervous of what's inside.

She stepped inside the room and a slim dark skinned girl was already unpacking her belongings. Her back was facing her so she couldn't see the girls face.

Beyoncé cleared her throat to make her presence known. "Hi, I'm Beyonc-"

The girl interrupted Beyoncé before she could even finish introducing herself.

"Well, well, well.." the brown-skinned girl smiled as she turned around to face her.

Beyoncé's mouth dropped at the sight. It couldn't be.

"If it isn't Bitchyoncé" the girl who was now revealed to be her archenemies from high school. Kelly Rowland. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her nightmare has only begun.


Didn't know how to start this one. I promise it'll get better as you read <3

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