ch-8 Made her angry?

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Jayden's POV

I was angry....I was so fucking angry!
Is it that tough to complete the work that I had given to them?
Things weren't getting any better as my cousin Liam is constantly trying to ruin my buisness!

Okay! So, Liam is my cousin.... apparently his father and mine are real brothers!

Brown Enterprises was founded by my grandfather and later my uncle i,e Liam's dad was handling it as the older son of my grandpa but after sometimes the company was suffering from huge losses!

At that time, my dad was just doing his graduation in England.....but after the news of our company going through bankruptcy spreaded , my dad was bought back to  NY..... grandpa then suggested my dad to take over the company as my uncle was doing nothing but ruining it! My uncle is a greedy person....and that greed of him felt heavier on our company!

At that time, grandpa already lost his trust and hope from uncle and handed over the company's destiny on dad's hand!

And from that day till now, what Brown Enterprises is all because of my dad's hardwork!

And eventually dad became the ruler of Brown Enterprises....just like he deserves!

While my uncle....he is doing nothing but ruining our Money and company's reputation!

Idk why but till today uncle's family blames us.....even though we are the one who are taking care of them financially!

Apart from Brown Enterprises....Dad has many other buisnesses too....and dad is so kind that he let his nephew i,e Liam to become CEO of one of his company!

But fuck! Liam has uncle's blood right? So, off course there is definitely greed in his blood too!

Liam wants something big! Liam now wants to become the CEO of Brown Enterprises ......

Idk where did he even got the audacity to dream for that.....
Like the hell I'm gonna give him my position.....

If he was responsible then I could atleast think of that.....but fuck! That asshole.....the company that dad gave him is already sucking!

He does his job awwfully!

And this bastard thinks that he is gonna get my company huh?

Dream on bastard!

He can't fight me he always do something evil just to ruin my position! He is just jealous of me!

Today also he did the same! Bacause of this shit we lost a big deal today!
And that's the reason I became so angry!

Currently I was on the rooftop of my company's building! Whenever I'm angry I just come to this place.....this place helps me to ease myself!

Not everyone is allowed here!

I was relaxing myself when I suddenly realised that I did something awful taday!


I got angry over my beautiful assistant!

Actually I wasn't angry at her but the anger for Liam had me lost my shit and made me angry on her too!

I sighed thinking what she might be feeling right now!

I mean her feelings doesn't matter but still......

It was her first day afterall.....

When she came to the office today I found her her face pretty as well as pale!

At first I was angry because she lost marks in was her first day yet she was almost 20 mins late....

But my anger lost as soon as I saw her pale face.... Just by looking at her face I could easily say that she was having a hangover....

So I let her rest for a while and let her drink the hangover soup!

After having her soup, she went on doing the work I gave her!

At first she wasn't understanding anything but gradually she understood the process and did a very good job!

Just by looking at her doing her work perfectly....I couldn't do anything but smile!

Everything was going good until the phone rang! This was from one of my man whom I sent to secretly look after Liam....Liam was doing something fishy but I couldn't understand it!
I wanted to catch Liam red-handed....but the opposite happened..... my Fucking mam get caught by Liam!


Everything is so messed up!

I sighed and stopped thinking about all that.....I then went to my room but didn't saw my assistant there!

Where is she?

Is she angry? Well I know she should be but I'm her boss....she could atleast expect that from me right?

I then called out for Anna!

She knocked the door and eventually came in!

Just by looking at her face I could tell that she is angry with me! But what can I do!

Should I apologise?

No, maybe I shouldn't!

Many things were running into my head but the only thing I could come up with was "Go and bring me coffee!"

She didn't looked at my face or eyes yet answered "yes sir!"

She then stompted out of the room!

I couldn't do anything but to curse myself!

Fuck! What was I even thinking?
Instead of apologizing....I ordered her to bring me I wasn't even feeling like drinking coffee!

Shit! "Did I made her angry again?"


Hello loviles! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

"What do you think....what is gonna be the end of Aahana's anger?"

Let's find out together!
I promise it would be fun!
Don't miss !!!!!
And keep reading!✨

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