ch-9 Apologies!

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Aahana's pov

Bring him Coffee huh?
I mean this guy is really confusing sometimes......

I wanted to ask him badly why did he do that? Why did he behaved like that?

But no! I can't ask him that!
He's my boss afterall....this much shit isn't that hard to expect from him right?
Like everyone knows he how much of a jerk he's!

This morning when he treated me  nicely, I felt like he's not the kind of person that everyone claims him to be....I thought he has some good sides too!

But his actions made me think either!

A lot of thoughts were running into my head when I didn't even realised that I have messed up the coffee!

Like damn! All bad things are happening on the same moment!

After clearing the mess I had created, I took the coffee mug and hurriedly went to his room as he might kill me if I go late.... I mean 'he might' I said....that doesn't mean he will right! Hahaha!

Fuck! Who the fuck gave me audacity to joke around while my whole life right now seems like a joke?

Okay! I was already infront of his room when a voice stopped me....
"Hey girl"

Like shit! Everything was already tough for me and now......this bitch

Yes it was Lisa!

"Yes" i answered annoyingly!

"Where are you going?" She said!

"I'm holding a coffee mug and I'm standing infront of my Boss's isn't it obvious that I'm taking this coffee to him?" I spoke up!

"Well! Now I'm here! So you don't have to do that anymore! Hand me the mug....I will just give him that.....till now you wait outside?" She said!

Omo! Omo! Omo! Just look at her audacity! Who is she to give me orders?

"Well Ms.Lisa my boss ordered me to bring him Coffee and following Boss's order is my I will take this to him! And if you badly want to bring him Coffee then go and make a cup yourself!" I said borely!

"What?" She gritted her teeth!
And I could definitely sense anger in her voice!

But fuck! Who cares?

I then ignored her and knocked the door....and after getting a response I got into the room!

There I saw my boss working on his computer as usual!

I then put the coffee mug on his table saying "Sir! Your coffee!"

He then looked at me through his glasses which he only wears sometimes when he is on his computer!

"Hmmmmm" that's all he said but i could easily tell that there was a uneasyness on his eyes!

But I didn't bother to ask him anything and was leaving the room when his voice spoke out "Anna!"

"Yes sir"

"Mm-mm-m sorry for behaving that way earlier! Well I was angry for some other reason and didn't even realised that I took out that anger on you!" He said!

I was shook! Like he apologized to me? My jerk boss apologized to me???? Is this even possible???? I'm I dreaming!

No, I'm not!

He really did apologized to me!

But for some moments I didn't act as I wasn't understanding what was happening until he cleared his throat " Hope you get it Anna!" That's all he said!

I then break my silence "yes sir! It's okay, I can understand you!" I said even though I couldn't understand him at all!

This guy is really something!

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