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Beyoncé Knowles

It's December 28th, the Monday after Christmas took place and I've yawned five times at least in this meeting room.

A tall guy comes bursting through the door with his book bag and makes his place conveniently next to me. He must work here too.

There's a thin layer of sweat and I instinctively pass him a wipe from my purse.

"Thank you, Thank you. Your name?"


"Nice. I'm Shawn." He seems more focused on getting himself together, considering our supervisor/boss seems to have a small delay.

About 15 of us are sat around this long rectangular table nibbling around our fingernails, clicking the ends of pens, doodling on paper, playing with glasses. Very few are actually really even bothering to small talk with one another and it's already kinda irritating me just hearing clicking and rustling.

Doesn't hell that the meeting room is tightly built and the glass windows that line the wall are covered by a curtain. The only other view of anything other than white colored walls and framed prints of some of the company's best sellers splattered and plastered on the wall are the windows pointing out into the city.

We're so high up you can't even really hear traffic. It's sort of beneath the background.

Our boss comes in with a boom. He is struggling with his briefcase and Tupperware containers hugged to his sides. He flattens his smile.

"Sorry for the wait! Traffic delays, and my wife of course."

Others in the room groan as if they can empathize with his marital problems.

"Good morning everyone! Merry Christmas!" He sets his briefcase down and hands off the big Tupperware . "The wife made cookies. Baking is one of the few things she's good for!"

He laughs a big belly laugh while I look around in shock and the other women in the room stare at me back with the same caught off guardness.

"Go on, take some and pass it down."

"Don't mind if I do." Shawn says with a chuckle.

"He meant share." I smirk before grabbing a cookie and sliding it down to the next person.

Shawn looks at me disappointed and rolls his eyes.

I mess with him, "Fix your face Mr. Shawn."


Our boss taps the table frantically to get all of our attention.

"New year, huh?! Exciting ladies and gentlemen. Consider the rest of this year to be a resting period. You know a vacation period." He then sets both hands on the table and leans in and looks around. "Cuz I have some ideas that could truly change the game. Especially when it comes to journalism. And it's here in our very state!"

Everyone sighs of relief. Journalism usually requires some type of travel. I've spent summers down in Central America and gone to the Philippines for 6 months. It's an incredible line of work, and to be able to be a channel for people to have their stories shared is a privilege.

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