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Beyoncé Knowles

I woke up to a fever dream of a person this morning.

My ex, Costia.

The cunt somehow got my phone number and I've been scrambling like hell to 1, find the person who shared my number with her (whether intentional or not) and 2, change my phone number.

She is not welcome into my life at all anymore.

Not my fault she hates herself.

All the warnings about "down low" or "gay on the low" people are true. They are fucking nightmares to deal with. Thankfully I dealt with her ass no more than a year.

Ever since talks of me leaving Houston was going around (because my sweet mama was just overwhelmed with joy and wanted to brag about it), she found out and has shared her distaste for my decision.

Apparently I'm letting people drift us apart.

I thank the t-mobile employee when he hands me my phone back with some documents.

"Thank you so so much. Seriously."

"Of course maam, no problem."

Now I have to go through the whole process of making sure Kelly, Solo and mama have my updated number.

What a stressful morning but at least I don't have to deal with Philips giving me a speech on how I need to open my horizons or whatever when it comes to this article. He's such a toxic positive person. Absolutely no help and I'm at a loss. I almost don't wanna do this anymore.

I walk up the steps out of the subway station. I'm a little ways outside of Manhattan but there's no harm in just strolling around the city and enjoying myself.

Plus I could use some new clothes for this chilly weather that still doesn't show signs of warming up.

I'm pushed and shoved all Willy nilly as I finally get to the sidewalk. I clutch my purse under my arm and quickly walk, picking up the pace. New York natives naturally are able to walk these streets without bumping into anything.

Meanwhile I'm struggling to keep my footing. Or maybe New Yorkers are just rude.

My senses are beyond over- loaded with bright lights and signs, people on their phones speaking loudly, taxi's and cars honking away, people yelling at their kids to obey orders, and street musicians who kinda get in your face to get your attention.

I keep my eyes down and just follow the sign that leads me to a park. I could use the time to just destress under the tree or something before I go back home or do whatever I decide to do for the rest of the day.

I enter the park and it has this paved walkway that wraps around the edge. In the center are some water fountains, like those geyser things that you hop on and shoot water up for feet or meters, some swings, some memorial statues and whatnot. It's relaxing instantly. Birds and butterflies flutter above and all around. I can decipher some robins and some blue winged butterfly and a couple of monarchs. Absolutely beautiful.

I inhale and the sweet smell of flowers is so perfect. I hate smelling so much grease and oil all the time.

I find myself a tree that has low hanging branches and leaves. I settle myself down right under there, my ass being cushioned by some straw.

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