One Year Prior: The Incident

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Marina Rose Wheeler, the eldest sibling in the Wheeler family

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Marina Rose Wheeler, the eldest sibling in the Wheeler family. She is only one year older than her sister, Nancy.

A year before present time, Marina was in her junior year of high school, while her best friend and sister were sophomores.

Her sister was having a small relationship with Marina's middle school best friend, Steve Harrington. She despised him. He was an egotistical douchebag who ruined her mood the second he walked in. And the worst part about it... he could never leave the girl alone.

All she wanted was to get through high school and be a successful musician. She went through hell last year, she hopes she could still have the courage to go through with her plans.

Last year, an interdimentional break sprung from within Hawkins Lab. No one knew how Will Byers disappeared. Her brother, Mike, and his friends looked everywhere for clues. Joyce and Jonathan did everything they could.

Everyone thought they were crazy. They saw monsters, heard voices, possessed phone calls, etc.

It was normal to see Marina with Jonathan, but Steve seeing his girlfriend with Jonathan as well set him off. He and his friends painted, "Now Playing: Marina and Nancy Wheeler: The Sister Sluts" on the theater sign, causing the whole town to point and laugh.

Marina lost it. She didn't care if he called her names because she said her fair share towards him, but her sister was another story. She knew Nancy was nothing but loyal. She spoke of Steve so lovingly all the time, it made her sick, but it showed how she viewed him.
She told her sister that he was no good many times and that he would end up leaving her in the end. She never listened. She laughed her sister off and said that he changed.

Marina had gone off on Steve that day; she even socked him so hard he fell to the ground. He even aggravated Jonathan enough to start a fight.

The three of them had went "monster hunting" shortly after. Steve showed up to the Byers' house to apologize whilst they were in the middle of setting up their trap.

He had come to apologize to Marina first, knowing she's always at the Byers' home with Jonathan, unknowing that Nancy would be there too.

Before Steve could leave, he was caught up in the plan as well.

As soon as the monster appeared, it immediately pounced on Marina.

She fought hard to push it off, but to no avail.

She truly felt everything was going to end there, until she saw Steve swing the nailed bat Jonathan had given him and whiffed the monster off of her.

He helped her up and she held onto him. "And I thought basketball was your sport." She joked trying to make herself feel better.

Once it all was over, Steve had felt that the traumatic incident they shared had brought the two closer. Marina still wanted nothing to do with him.

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