Chapter 12: Back in Time

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(Y/n) turned the page, turning slightly in his seat to get more comfortable before continuing to read.


"How... how is that even possible?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

"This little watch." The older Janus said, holding out the watch that looked so similar to Grandma's.

"I have one that looks just like that." I told him pulling out my own, it was still slightly warm to the touch.

"I assumed as much with you being here." Janus said, sitting down in a chair. "How else would you be here."

"And where exactly is this?" I asked the two of them.

"The end of the world." The younger Janus said, pouring himself a drink and pulling off his coat.

"Excuse me?" I asked them not understanding at the time. "But how does that even work?"

"You've heard the story of the Three Brothers correct? I've heard that's a popular story."

"You mean the children's story? With Death?" I asked them confused what that had to do with it.

"Exactly! That story is about my brothers." The older Janus said, as the younger one rolled his eyes.

"Bloody gits didn't even include us." The younger one said.

"Well how could they? We prevented our own birth." The older one replied.

"Yeah pretty stupid decision if you ask me." The younger said sounding cross.

"Yes well it's a good thing I didn't ask." The older said simply. "Anyway, Death gave me a watch the turn back time, one that I passed on... well I will pass on, to my child and, given that you have the watch, will give it to their child and so on."

"How is this even possible?" I asked them, at this point my head was spinning. I couldn't understand how this was possible.

"Death possess extraordinary powers, he bestowed gifts of unique powers to me and my three brothers. Two of which, if I'm not mistaken, you already have."

"I don't know what you're-"

"The cloak and the stone." The older Janus said patiently.

"But how do you know that?" I asked him.

"Duh because I am right here." The younger Janus said exasperatedly.

"Yes yes as I so bluntly put it, I've already lived through this." The older Janus said.

"Wait hold on a second you said this was the end of the world, what do you mean?" I asked them.

"It means the world is ending genus." The younger Janus said.

"Are you sure the two of you are the same people?"

"Yes. I remember this phase, isolation was hitting pretty badly." The older one said.

"Oh shut up you think you know me so well." The younger one said getting to his feet angrily.

"Well I was you at one point." The older one said. The younger one rolled his eyes before storming out of the room.

"It's okay." The older one said before I could open my mouth. "He'll move past it. Anyway, you were asking about the end of world.

"Well after your father snuffed out that little rebellion he thought Voldemort was getting too weak. He started to create his own Horcruxes before eventually gathering enough of a following to challenge Voldemort.

Book 8: Harry Potter male reader insert The Diary of Elizabeth H. (L/n)Where stories live. Discover now