Out of My League

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🎶Out of My League - Stephen Speaks
As I look at you, my heartbeat quickens. My breath hitches. My surrounding becomes blurry and all I see is you.

No one else but you. Your smile, it is addictive and should really be illegal. And your laugh, it is intoxicating. Everything about you is. My whole gallery is filled with you. And I swear everytime I look at those pictures of yours, I began to smile like an idiot.  I don't exactly know how it started, but I know this will never end.

And everyone else thinks the exact same thing as I do.

Everyone of us.


Yes. I am a fan. And right now I am at Blackpink's fan meeting. I have never missed one of their fanmeets and I always made sure to save money for their concerts, as well as to buy their albums and merchandise. Just like every other fan does.

I watched as Jennie greet and talk to each fan. She'll laugh at their jokes and give thanks to their nonstop support to her and to the whole group.

When it was my time to sit on the chair opposite her and was able to see her face to face, I swear time stopped. It has always been like this. I am always too stunned to speak. I must have been staring for way too long because I was able to see Jennie's brows furrow in worry since I wasn't responding to any of her words.

"You're always just staring." Jennie said.

Somehow I was able to regain my composure because of her remark and I immediately bowed.

"I am really sorry. It was rude of me to stare that long at you." I said as I kept bowing to her.

Jennie waved her hands as she said that it is okay. I heard her giggle as well.

"I was simply worried since you weren't responding at all. I see you have made it again this time." Jennie said.

Oh. She remembers me?

"I have seen you a lot. And if you're wondering, yeah I do remember you." She added.

For real?!

"I-I," damn it stop stuttering you moron. Your time is almost up. I racked my brain for some words to say "I-I a-am grateful to you." I said as I stared onto Jennie's eyes.


"I am grateful to you." As I gave another bow. "You are an inspiration to me, to keep going. To keep moving forward. You are a hardworker, and I know how much you are dedicated to your work. Though at times it will be hard, though people will mock you and hate you for absolutely no reason at all, please remember that there is atleast one person who won't be. And that is me! That is why, I want to tell you that I am proud to be your fan. And that I will always support you no matter what!"

My voice must have been way too loud for my own good since everyone upstage, the managers, fellow blinks and the members were all looking at my direction.

Jennie was shocked at my sudden outburst, but she recovered quickly and gave me a smile. Then a chuckle and I saw her eyes glimmer.

"Thank you." She finally said. "I think this is the first time you have said something more than a simple greeting. And also I'll hold onto that. Okay?" As she flashed me her gummy smile.

"Of course. I promise you that!" I replied as her manager gestured to me that my time is up. I stood up and gave her one last bow, and she did the same.

I am nothing special. I am just lucky enough to be able to see you. To be able to exist at the same time as you did. A person I can only admire. A person I can only love from afar.  But I won't have it any other way. I already knew the fact that you are out of my league. And whether I can be with you or not, I would still love you with all that I am, with all that I have.

Jennie Kim.
A/N: I have always wanted to say those words to our precious Main Rapper, Jennie! I hope that somehow you were able to enjoy reading that. Thank you for reading!

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