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🎶Disconnected - 5 Seconds Of Summer
It was rare for me and my girlfriend to be together nowadays. We are both busy with our work after all. Deadlines, meetings, overtime and all the sleepless nights. Right now we are together but at the same time it feels like we are miles apart.

The two of us are sitting together at the couch, the television is on, but we are both on our mobile phones and laptops contacting the people we needed to contact for our respective works.

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink since I can feel that my body became stiff from sitting way too long, and I even felt dizzy after standing up. As I made my way back to Jennie I gave her something to drink and she muttered a small 'thank you' then I went to the balcony for some fresh air.

Since when was the last time I have stepped out here? I can't really remember. I'd leave the house early and then go home. The same goes for Jennie. We didn't even have the time to cuddle. To simply talk with each other. I decided to go back to my girlfriend and noticed how she keeps on massaging her temple.

"Nini, you okay?"

"I'm fineeee. Just a little headache."

That's expected.

I sat down beside her and massaged her temples gently. Jennie has her eyes closed and brows furrowed. She has always been the perfectionist. She can't leave her work as it is, she needs to make sure that everything is at its perfect place. I gave Jennie a quick peck on the lips but as I was about to move back to my spot Jennie held me back by placing her hands on my neck, as she began to deepen the kiss.

I am not gonna complain one bit.

A few seconds later we both realized we needed air. I saw Jennie opened her eyes and offered me a smile. Pretty. She's really pretty. How can someone like her exists?

"I'm sorry." She suddenly said as she lowered her head.

"For what?"

"We haven't spent any time together for the last few weeks, and now that we are together both of us are still preoccupied with work." She added as a pout found its place on her pretty face.

"Then the same goes for me. It's okay, Nini. I won't hold anything against you. But your right, we haven't been spending time together that much. Although the bigger problem is it also affects our health. Most importantly, yours." I told her.

"Ugh. Yes, this headache is killing me." She then whined.

I chuckled at her adorableness. My girlfriend is both cute and sexy. And it all happens in a blink of an eye. I decided then to place her laptop at the coffee table and brought her to my arms. We both laid down at the couch as Jennie settled herself on top of me. This has been the most peaceful we've been for a while.

"This is nice." Jennie said.

"It is." I hugged her tighter.

"Screw work. Let's stay like this all day." Jennie scoffed. Even without looking I can already picture the pout on her lips.

"Really? I am not gonna complain, but the 'Great Jennie Kim' leaving her work unfinished for some cuddles?"

"Of course! Besides, I deserve this anyway. Whatever, I'm not gonna care about it for now. Can't I just have you all to myself?"

"Okay, okay. No work for the rest of the day. Well technically, we don't really have to work since you know its our day off." I said.

"But we're both too stubborn not to finish our duties."

"Yessss. Your stubborness influences me greatly." I playfully said.

Jennie let out an unamused laugh.

"You know what, it'll be much more comfortable if we're in bed." She said as she gave me a wink.

I gave a quick kiss on her head and we both stood up, I then lifted Jennie bridal style as we made our way to our room for cuddles....and possibly something more.
A/N: This one's a bit shorter than the others, still I hope you like it. Have some break when it is needed. Thank you for reading!

Jennie Ruby Jane Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora