Right Where You Left Me

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🎶Right Where You Left Me - Taylor Swift
My longtime girlfriend broke up with me. The reason... I don't really know. But I heard it was something along the lines that 'it wasn't your fault' 'its not you its me' 'you deserve someone better'...And just like that, all the years we've spent together, memories we made, things we went through... all the times we laughed at each others silly antics, cried while holding to one another for dear life, and smiled just by looking at each other. All of it. Went down the drain.

I can still remember it perfectly. It was our anniversary, and we agreed to have lunch at our favorite restaurant. You were running late, you said it was due to traffic. These days I have noticed your change of behavior. You seemed aloof, distracted, but I just shrugged if off.

'Must be due to all the stress you are going through.' I thought.

There were times when you would keep on looking at your phone, smiling. You would end up staying late at a friend's house. Always going overtime at work.

I knew your dedication to your craft, and I always admired you for that. And I would never do anything to hold you back from doing whatever it is that you want to do.

Your happiness is what I have always wanted. But, it still hurted me. So much. And I am not sure whether the pain will go anytime soon.
A year after we ended things between us, we bumped yet again to each other. As I saw you, everything came back.

"Hello." You said as you gave a small wave.

While you are doing better, I on the other hand became worse. I quitted my job, I failed the expectations of everyone around me, I failed myself, I failed you.

Jennie. You have always been my anchor. The one who holds me intact. The one who keeps me going on. But the same thing doesn't apply to you. You have always been independent and strong and confident. That's who you are.

As we sat together, along with two cups of coffee I don't even like the taste of, I was a nervous wreck while you talked about how you were doing. As much as I wanted to answer your questions about how am I doing, I can't.

How could I possibly tell you how much our breakup affected me? You'd obviously feel bad. And I can't afford to see you feel sorry for something that is my own doing.

You are happy. Finally. With someone else. A person worthy of you. Someone who you can be proud of. I know you have said that our break up was because you weren't good enough for me, but it was the opposite, your current partner proves that.

Somehow, I was able to utter some words. Which were obviously lies. I can't even look you in the eye. Those brown cat-like eyes I have always felt lost into whenever we make eye contact. Even without looking, I can tell that you are smiling. I can hear it from your voice.

If I knew so much about you, why didn't I notice that we were falling apart? Or maybe, I chose not to? Because I thought that between the two of us I would be the first one to give up.

As your life continue, time froze for me.

Dreams were shattered. Those things we talked about. The life we wanted to have. All of it, gone. But Jennie it wasn't your fault, it'll never be.

Its because of me.

Because I am Weak. Naive. Coward.

It'll always be my fault. The fact that I can't move on, is entirely my fault. Because, my world revolves around you. My family and friends all called me pathetic, they laughed and mocked me of how immature am I.

"She's just a girl."

"There are plenty of girls out there."

"Don't worry! I'll find you someone else."

Is what they say. But they are all wrong. Because for for me, there is only you.

They can judge me all they want, I don't care.
Suddenly, your phone rang and then you bid goodbye. And for once, I was able to gain some courage to look at your face. To see the face of the girl I love so much. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, and I quickly gave you a bow.

I don't know how long I looked at your retreating figure, nor how long I stayed at the café. But it must have been a long time, since once I got out of the place it was already dark.

I can't even remember most of the things you said, but there was one thing I was certain of. You are happy. You deserve it. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Even if it can only be achieve without me.
Back at the apartment, I was once again greeted by the cold hard truth that things between us already ended.

But Jennie,

If a time came, that you are left all alone. Without a single person standing by your side, without anyone taking your side, and you feel like you needed someone to be there for you.



That I will always be right here. Waiting for you to come back.

I will always be here. So you can return anytime you want.
A/N: Hello! What are your thoughts? Thank you for reading!

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