Your Guardian Angel

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🎶Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Y/N's Pov
I cannot exactly say that I am close with Jennie. We belong to the same group of friends consisting of Lisa, Jisoo, Rosé, Irene, Nayeon, Bambam, Jackson and Mino, but we in particular aren't close. Just the usual greetings, some catch up and that's it.

Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

Contrary to other's perception of her, is a really kind and caring person. She is quite shy so the only people who knew about her true nature are those who are really close to her. Though not as close to her as the others, I frequently see the infamous gummy smile of hers, alongside those cute giggles, a wonderful personality and a pretty face, so what came next was obvious. It started as a simple crush but then I found myself falling in love with her.

So where did that Jennie go?

Who is this girl standing in front of me? Her cold expression isn't the same as the one she had before. She became stoic and her eyes were cold and lifeless.

I witnessed it. I was there after all. Which is why I remembered exactly how and when things started to change.

And it all happened because of him.
It was the night before her wedding. Yes. It was her wedding with her longtime crush Kim Taehyung. After years of unrequited love she finally gained his attention and love. They dated for a year and then Taehyung proposed to her. I still remember how happy she was that time she told us.

But then, everything changed that night. We were at Jennie's house for one last party, when Jennie received an anonymous text message saying that Taehyung was having an affair with Jennie's bestfriend, Irene. There was even a picture attached to it. All of us accompanied Jennie to confront the two of them.

We went into Taehyung's apartment where we were met with two figures arguing. Irene was yelling at Taehyung, telling him to break his engagement. We were all shocked, but what shocked us more was how he easily agreed to her wish whilst hugging her.

Jennie barged inside, she quickly separated them and slapped Taehyung. She then threw the engagement right at his face and left the apartment. Some went after Jennie while some stayed to give Taehyung and Irene a piece of their mind. Meanwhile, I went home.
A year have passed and since then Jennie changed. She no longer smiled nor laughed. She distanced herself from us, she pushed everyone away as a defense mechanism. All she ever did was work and work.

At first, everyone tried to reach her, tried to bring her back. But she was stubborn, and they got tired. But not me.

I wanted to atleast tell her that she still have us, her friends. Even though we weren't close, Jennie has always been there for each and everyone of us whenever we have problems, which is why, I too wanted to be there for her, to give her some comfort. To tell her that I care. I kept on trying. I don't want to give her up.

Though she would always give me cold responses or at times she wouldn't answer at all, I decided to stay. I love her after all. But, she doesn't have to know that. Not now atleast.
At first I settled on making small talks with her, but a time came when I decided to take it further. Let's just hope she won't kill me.

Everyday, early in the morning I would show up at her house. I would then cook breakfast for her before going to work. Though I am not sure whether she eats it or not. Then after that I'd come back to cook dinner.

She rarely says anything, so I kept on doing it.

Its pretty annoying that he has been doing this kinds of things for me, and its been going on for months. To be honest, I can't believe I am letting Y/N do all this stuff. At first it was annoying but as time passed it got worse for me. Its burdensome. I never really commented much but he did something that completely ticked me off.

Jennie Ruby Jane Where stories live. Discover now